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Author Topic: a good way to make reading fun  (Read 588 times)

Offline diverse379

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a good way to make reading fun
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:29:22 AM »
Reading music can be very enjoyable and very lucrative if you are a great sight reader.

but getting there can be very dull and boring well if you go through one of the alfred or bastien or thompson programs and can make it up to book three then i have a method that will not only put some enjoyment out of it but will help you grow faster as well

they have sites on the web that have midis of bach debussy chopin beetoven

pick your favorite composer mine right now is Bach

pck one of the little preludes and go on one of the sites play the midi it keeps looping and it is short and read along and try to play along right hand then left alternate until you can start putting them together it is phenomenal i sat down doing this and before i knew it 2 hours had  passed i have never sat down reading music that long before

if i do that regurarly i will be putting in 20 times the amount of reading practice as i had been doing before and having fun at the same time

try it you may like it

i just googled the name of the piece i was studying and i stumbled upon the various sites
that have midis there are quite a few of them
To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word

Offline outstretchedarm

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Re: a good way to make reading fun
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 09:20:04 AM »
can't you provide a link, brother?  I'm not exactly sure what type of site/service you are referring to.

also, was ti you, diverse, who was saying months ago that they were doing the hanon exercises?  I would like to oneday graduate to doing exercises like that but I would need to be able to sight-read first.

Offline diverse379

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Re: a good way to make reading fun
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 01:45:48 PM »
sorry I was running late for class and I just wanted to get the information out while i was ready

in answer toyour other question yes i did put out a post about doing the hanon exercises from the last exercise #60 and working your way to the front of the book after you have already gotten the hang of it

I dont think you should wait until you can sight read to tackle hanon the exercises are really only one measure long and once you can do the first measure you can do the second and so on and so if you need to learn to identify the basic notes get teaching little fingers to play by john thompson
or something like a note speller or primer and then get a first grade reader as an adult you should be able to get through a first grade reader in a couple of months and once you can get through that you will be ready for second grade and once you finish second grade any thing in the hymn book you should be able to play and while you are doing all of this work you should be working on hanon


once you get on the site you can look for your favorite composer and try to get the sheet music so you can begin playing along I think it is a great way to get yourself going if you are like me and are learning to read late you need expedient ways to keep up and learn.

what makes this method so good is that you cant stop to correct your mistakes you have to just keep following along. 

if you cant play along with every note just play the first note or two of the first bar and if you can catch a little more then you try to play another few notes of another bar before you know it you will be playing along

To be or not to be that is the question you anwer when you pray practice and read your word
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