Are there any ex-cons in the Bible?
Well, Joseph for one. He served time in an Egyptian jail.
Then we have Paul. Peter. James and John. All of them did prison time.
Now, I know that some of you may say, "Aw, that is just BBoy trying to get all deep and Scriptural again. We aren't talking about being imprisoned for preaching the Gospel, or being imprisoned for a false allegation. We talking about real life here!"
I'm learning to take such statements as a compliment. Yes, we all need to get deep and Scriptural, becasue it is real life. I ain't as deep as I am planning to be in the future.
If they are saved, then that means their past is gone. We are commanded by Scripture to no longer regard any man after the flesh, for he is a new creature (II Corinthians 5). According to Scripture, old things are past away and all things are become new.
Now, if a person doesn't want to date / marry a person who has done whatever and as a result has served prison time, then that is the particular person's choice. Now IMHO, depending on the circumstances, there very well may be wisdom in not putting something in front of a person that tempts a weakness they have had and are still strugguling with, or that involves the safety of yourself or someone else whose safety you are responsible for.
But not all people who went to jail have those issues. You can't clump everyone into the same catagory. Some people made bad choices and did wrong things, and they are truly sorry and have paid their debt to society, and determined that they will never do such things again and they will never associate with those who do. They determined that if they ever were to just get another chance, they would do right this time. Furthermore they have accepted Jesus as Savior and recieved GOD's free gift of forgiveness.
They are on their way to a new life. If a person doesn't want to be a part of that life, then that is their decision. But someone may choose to be a part of their life, and that is wonderful too.
Just my 2 cents . . .
Be Blessed, everyone!