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Author Topic: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)  (Read 2855 times)

Offline MusiqB77

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A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« on: October 12, 2006, 01:46:25 AM »
Wut up everybody. I just wanted to tell everyone what God told me one day when I was in New York. Our generation has to stop talking about one another and fighting one another and truly find ginuine love for one another. It's holding us back and hindering us from reaching our destiny as a generation. God is ready to work, but we still have walls up between each other, and every time God is trying to flow through us, he's getting stopped by another wall. I'm sure it's very frustrating to Him. I'm so glad he hasn't given up on us! While we still have the chance, let's get it together ya'll.

Let's start showing LOVE for each other. Let's forgive one another. Let's be slow to anger and patient with one another. Let's stop making God look like he's a liar and saying that we are doing what he says, when we are not. We need to start casting out demons and healing folk 4real, but we can't unless we STOP being FONY and FAKE, and START showing ginuine LOVE for one another. We are all trying to get right. Sin is AN issue, but it's not THE issue anymore. The issue is the lack of brotherly love and true fellowship. We could help each other out in dealing with our sins if we would come together. Staying away from sin would be so much easier then because we would have our REAL brothers and sisters in Christ to help us and hold us up instead of hurt us and beat us down. God's army is weak right now because we are too prideful to give in and admit when we are wrong, and forgive others when they are wrong. "And forgive us our debts, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS." In other words, forgiving those that have done you wrong, did you dirty, hurt you, humiliated you. Yeah, it's hard, but Jesus did it. We are trying to be LIKE Jesus right, hence the name Christian, which means Christ-like, so let's forgive our brothers and sisters like Jesus did.

Alot of the times, we handle situations in a satanic manner rather than a godly manner. When someone does us wrong, we fight back with harsh words, a bad attitude, we want revenge, all of these things are not the godly way of dealing with conflict. Spiritually, it's two evil spirits looking right at each other like, "Wut up dawg, good to see you again" because we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You can't fight evil with evil. The bible says in Matthew 12:25-26 and 28, "25:Every kingdom that is divided against itself will be destroyed. 26:And any city or family that is divided against itself will not continue. 28:But if I use the power of God's Spirit to force out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. NCV"  We have to fight back with the Spirit of God. What does the Spirit of  God look like? Galatians 5:22 says "But the Spirit produces the fruit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, SELF-CONTROL. There is no law that says these things are wrong." We gotta LOVE the HELL out of people! Please read Galatians 5:16-26 and 6:1-6 when you get a chance.

We can't be surprised when people don't get delivered, when yolks aren't being destroyed, when people aren't being healed, when demons aren't being cast out, when people are still dying and going to hell, when God doesn't move like we think he should if we don't start being a family and loving our brothers and sisters. Let's not act like we don't know what the problem is when we don't see results. The problem is our hearts. We can preach and sing until we're blue in the face, but if our hearts are not right, it's all in vain. Come on remnant, let's step up and be what God has called and commissioned us to be for such a time as this! I love y'all!!

Seven days without prayer makes one weak.


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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 02:40:40 PM »
I believe that I agree with this!!!

Offline nessalynn77

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 03:31:39 PM »
Good word, Brian. 

Offline bishopcole

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2006, 08:20:36 PM »
Thank you Doc!! kinda long but awesome in depth!!!  God Bless, Bishop Cole
"Stay in God Always"  - Bishop Lamar Cole
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Offline Prophetic Remnant

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 03:02:28 AM »
Wut up everybody. I just wanted to tell everyone what God told me one day when I was in New York. Our generation has to stop talking about one another and fighting one another and truly find ginuine love for one another. It's holding us back and hindering us from reaching our destiny as a generation. God is ready to work, but we still have walls up between each other, and every time God is trying to flow through us, he's getting stopped by another wall. I'm sure it's very frustrating to Him. I'm so glad he hasn't given up on us! While we still have the chance, let's get it together ya'll.

Let's start showing LOVE for each other. Let's forgive one another. Let's be slow to anger and patient with one another. Let's stop making God look like he's a liar and saying that we are doing what he says, when we are not. We need to start casting out demons and healing folk 4real, but we can't unless we STOP being FONY and FAKE, and START showing ginuine LOVE for one another. We are all trying to get right. Sin is AN issue, but it's not THE issue anymore. The issue is the lack of brotherly love and true fellowship. We could help each other out in dealing with our sins if we would come together. Staying away from sin would be so much easier then because we would have our REAL brothers and sisters in Christ to help us and hold us up instead of hurt us and beat us down. God's army is weak right now because we are too prideful to give in and admit when we are wrong, and forgive others when they are wrong. "And forgive us our debts, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS." In other words, forgiving those that have done you wrong, did you dirty, hurt you, humiliated you. Yeah, it's hard, but Jesus did it. We are trying to be LIKE Jesus right, hence the name Christian, which means Christ-like, so let's forgive our brothers and sisters like Jesus did.

Alot of the times, we handle situations in a satanic manner rather than a godly manner. When someone does us wrong, we fight back with harsh words, a bad attitude, we want revenge, all of these things are not the godly way of dealing with conflict. Spiritually, it's two evil spirits looking right at each other like, "Wut up dawg, good to see you again" because we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You can't fight evil with evil. The bible says in Matthew 12:25-26 and 28, "25:Every kingdom that is divided against itself will be destroyed. 26:And any city or family that is divided against itself will not continue. 28:But if I use the power of God's Spirit to force out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. NCV"  We have to fight back with the Spirit of God. What does the Spirit of  God look like? Galatians 5:22 says "But the Spirit produces the fruit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, SELF-CONTROL. There is no law that says these things are wrong." We gotta LOVE the HELL out of people! Please read Galatians 5:16-26 and 6:1-6 when you get a chance.

We can't be surprised when people don't get delivered, when yolks aren't being destroyed, when people aren't being healed, when demons aren't being cast out, when people are still dying and going to hell, when God doesn't move like we think he should if we don't start being a family and loving our brothers and sisters. Let's not act like we don't know what the problem is when we don't see results. The problem is our hearts. We can preach and sing until we're blue in the face, but if our hearts are not right, it's all in vain. Come on remnant, let's step up and be what God has called and commissioned us to be for such a time as this! I love y'all!!


AMEN, AMEN and by the way...AMEN!!!

Offline inhope

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2006, 04:26:34 PM »
Let everyone who reads this take note of this powerfull message, follow it and the world willl become a little closer to how man was supposed to live. Its got to start somewhere let it start here with us.
Let people see your Christian ways through example and it WILL make a difference. :)
Good Word!!!!!

Offline KurzLand

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 05:52:51 PM »
I read it. I agree with it. 8)
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Offline chosenandcalled

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2006, 02:08:33 PM »
I totally agree if we don't come together in Christ, we let the enemy have all tha glory. Its time for God to get tha glory. Like I'm telling all these other people, put yo flesh up under subjection. i say amen and i'll help you in this fight to bring unity to tha body of christ.


  many are called but few are CHOSEN......

Offline ministerkibler

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2006, 04:01:26 PM »
Praise the Lord who still reigns. Brother that was deep and I totally feel you. I will pray to that end.
Grace and Peace!
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Offline ferrente

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 09:35:34 AM »
Welcome to LGM  ministerkibler
Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.

Offline BigMyke1

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2006, 02:08:55 PM »
I agree with your statement in full.  I would like to interject that before I, as a minister of the Gospel through music, can even ATTEMPT to bring someone closer to God, I must: first, confess ALL my sins, iniquities and transgressions; secondly, be receptive and obedient to the Word of God; and be converted so that others can see this GREAT Light of mine and will hopefully want to get a Light of their own.  It is impossible for me to usher someone to the "Thrown of Grace" when my soul if full of sin. The time for us get ready is OVER.  We mus now BE READY because the King is on his way.
Psalms 100:1-5

Offline georgiakentucky

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2006, 10:55:06 PM »
Great words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all of those words are already in the bible. "If my people" that's the answer to the world's problems.

Offline musicguyla

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2006, 03:32:38 PM »
Hello Sir, I'm not sure what you do in the ministry, but God is calling you to lead. This is a powerful word, only because it is life in the word and in order for something to work there has to be some kind of power behind it. This is powerful bruh. Let God continue to use you and don't be afraid, just be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

God Bless you!!!!

Offline MinAJ

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Re: A Word for Ministers of Music (PLEASE READ)
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2006, 05:49:58 PM »
I love what you said, or rather, what God said through you.  To even be able to communicate such wisdom says a lot about you.  I'm going to read this thread to my music department at church.  It is timely and neccessary.  When God gives a word, I always look in the mirror before I start looking around at somebody else.  BigMyke1 is so right.  The bible tells us to "remove the beam out of thine own eye" before we remove the beam out of our brother's eye.  May God continue to use you in a mighty way.
Now unto him who is able...
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