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Author Topic: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)  (Read 2015 times)

Offline teitei636

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Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« on: September 05, 2006, 11:23:27 AM »
Hi all--

I'm struggling with handling a situation with leadership. Thank God for all He is doing with me and how He has kept me. There is a web of deceit trying to be formed about me simply b/c I was going to resign as a director.

This just happened this past Sunday, my day to lead worship. Aftwards, we had a meeting to discuss some things and they began encouraging me and saying how different it is when I am the worship leader for services (we have 3). I give God all glory and praise for the annointing He has given me, but at the same time, something isn't right. God won't allow me to get truly connected here, evern with my hubby as minister of music--we come from a place where we desire to see the presence of God fall like never before, as soon as we press in, they cut it off by moving on with the "program" which, again we aren't used to.

 Anyway, during this meeting, I thanked them all for their encouragement and said, its funny, b/c I was going to step down next week. This leads into more words of encouragement and comments like "you gotta stand by your husband, he needs you working, cus it makes him stronger and how would it look if I the wives of elders just sat down and weren't beside their husbands." That was strike one--my husband and I are one yes, but we are each going to give an account for ourselves, I can't get him into heaven and vice versa.

THEN, they decided that they wanted to pray. Well, before the prayer, my Pastor says to my husband--I know what it is, I've seen it too many times. It's her past. Daddy wasn't in his place so mama and grandmama had to step in. You get in your place and encourage her---She thinks I'm missing it, but I know I ain't!!! and blah blah blah--cus at that point I had my head down thinking---WOAH, there's a lie from the pit of hell. My father is an annointed pastor and my mother is an annoited woman of God and his co-pastor! I don't know what it feels like to grow up in an unsaved household!!!!!! Dad was pastoring when I was born!!!!!! I don't know what it is to be a loose woman, my hubby is my one and only and I was 4 months shy of my wedding night (not saying that still made it okay, but you get my point).

First of all, that shows that all the talking I do about my parents church went in one ear and out of the other and 2---I now feel that there is a mind game trying to be played cus he can sense my hesitation in truly connecting. Dedicated, yes, but not connected and jumping at his every word b/c God has not allowed me to get close to them.

My hubby and I just walked out and drove off quickly. God had been dealing with me about this ministry, and slowly, but surely, things are coming out into the open.

Should I go to the pastor with my hubby (who is going anyway) and say something, or wait for a platform to openly speak about my past? At this point I am really in need of God to move, I was doing okay, but as the days pass, the harder it is for me to say---I can walk back in there and worship with a clear heart! I know my hubby is probably going to respond to this post as well--any advice/prayers/etc would be appreciated!!! Blessings to you all!!!!
Wife. Mother. Minister. Friend of God

Offline lumbebear1

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 11:42:54 AM »
First of all: Welcome to LGM (Im a little late with that one)

Secondly, Pray...................Problems with Key Leadership seem to be happening quite a bit lately. I would encourage you & your husband to seek the Lord in how to deal with this situation. After prayer if the Holy Spirit sends you to talk with your Pastor, then do so. My advice is to be Lead of the Lord.

You seem to be very strong in your relationship with your husband and with the Lord, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, when you and your husband are in agreement on how to proceed regarding this issue, then move forward.

Offline teitei636

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 05:05:53 PM »
First of all: Welcome to LGM (Im a little late with that one)

Secondly, Pray...................Problems with Key Leadership seem to be happening quite a bit lately. I would encourage you & your husband to seek the Lord in how to deal with this situation. After prayer if the Holy Spirit sends you to talk with your Pastor, then do so. My advice is to be Lead of the Lord.

You seem to be very strong in your relationship with your husband and with the Lord, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, when you and your husband are in agreement on how to proceed regarding this issue, then move forward.

Thank you soo much---God will guide us!
Wife. Mother. Minister. Friend of God

Offline david johnson

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 08:42:46 AM »
i don't undertand what the question is, sorry.
good luck anyway.


Offline Divinecalling1

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2006, 09:40:50 AM »
I would suggest you pray now as well and ask God how to proceed however I would have addressed the incorrect statement (respectfully) immediately, at the time it occured.  Stating Im sorry pastor that was not the case in our home.  There is nothing wrong with truth, it is all in the way it is presented....waiting often confirms for some, that what they believe or what they have said, is true. 
Romans 8:18 For  The suffering is not worthy to be compared to the GGGGLLLLLOOOOOORRRRYYYYY!!!

Offline pianofingers21

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 11:26:21 PM »
First of all I would just like to say that satans number one way to get into your church is through the members itself. He can't come in if he's not invited... so he starts creating division and unrest.  You need to pray for the strength of your church, and for clarity in the minds of its leadership. 

If God has been dealing with you about being at this church (what it sounds like to me) with not letting you become close and connected with your ministry, maybe you need to find a church like your old one.  One thats not concerned with a 'program' but with saving souls, and ministering to people and feeling ths Spirit of the Lord move.

At our church we dont even HAVE a program. I start out with a basic list of songs I feel that the Lord has led me to use for that service.  Beyond that, whatever happens happens.  Some services we dont even have any preaching or a message because the Spirit of God moves so mightily that you just can't compete with that.  The leadership knows it, and so we yield.

I would just pray, fast, and seek God about his will for you and your husband.  If you dont feel completely compelled to be in the position your in.. then resign.  Move on and let God guide you and direct you as he would.

God bless!

Offline teitei636

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2006, 10:01:18 AM »
Greetings--thank you too all who read and responded to this post! I guess I should have updated and said--WE ARE OUT OF THERE! The opportunity presented itself for the pastor to bring clarity on whether or not he was making a generalization in a conversation with my hubby--and he said, no he's not missing it and he's hearing God--

Long story short, the conversation basically balls down to I'm lying about my past and my husband is not a man--he has to do what he tells him cus he's God's mouth piece for him. That came after my hubby says he wasn't seeking the face of man, but he was in prayer and waiting to hear from God!  My husband remained calm and not one word of disrespect came out of his mouth. He called me and simply said--God needs not show me anymore, we are out!

After all that, its been a week and a 1/2 now! God has unlocked doors all around us. God was tired of us not catching the hint and getting out, he allowed it to blow up so we could see the true intentions. We left in the form of a letter and informed him that not one bad thing will we say about his ministry. Anything negative said about us, will fall to the ground because we have done nothing wrong...we just took too long to truly seek God about the place of worship after soo many things were being shown. In fact, we have people who are calling us as they hear and say, "I'm so glad you all are free and out of there." Funny how people are praying for you when you don't even know it. No one would ever say anything negative, b/c it truly had to be God and we had to see it for ourselves, not just hearsay. It's like everyone knew--but we were caught up in a mirage, an illusion that blinded us--but no more!
Wife. Mother. Minister. Friend of God

Offline pianofingers21

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2006, 01:29:35 PM »
Hallelujah!  Thank God for showing us the truth when we can't see it!

Offline Divinecalling1

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2006, 03:22:56 PM »
You all will be in our prayers!!!!!!!

Romans 8:18 For  The suffering is not worthy to be compared to the GGGGLLLLLOOOOOORRRRYYYYY!!!

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2006, 04:42:35 PM »
Blessed be the name of the Lord for He is worthy to be praised!!  :D
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Re: Suggestion on Handling an Assumption by Key Leadership(the Pastor)
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2006, 01:56:52 PM »
Greetings--thank you too all who read and responded to this post! I guess I should have updated and said--WE ARE OUT OF THERE! The opportunity presented itself for the pastor to bring clarity on whether or not he was making a generalization in a conversation with my hubby--and he said, no he's not missing it and he's hearing God--

Long story short, the conversation basically balls down to I'm lying about my past and my husband is not a man--he has to do what he tells him cus he's God's mouth piece for him. That came after my hubby says he wasn't seeking the face of man, but he was in prayer and waiting to hear from God!  My husband remained calm and not one word of disrespect came out of his mouth. He called me and simply said--God needs not show me anymore, we are out!

After all that, its been a week and a 1/2 now! God has unlocked doors all around us. God was tired of us not catching the hint and getting out, he allowed it to blow up so we could see the true intentions. We left in the form of a letter and informed him that not one bad thing will we say about his ministry. Anything negative said about us, will fall to the ground because we have done nothing wrong...we just took too long to truly seek God about the place of worship after soo many things were being shown. In fact, we have people who are calling us as they hear and say, "I'm so glad you all are free and out of there." Funny how people are praying for you when you don't even know it. No one would ever say anything negative, b/c it truly had to be God and we had to see it for ourselves, not just hearsay. It's like everyone knew--but we were caught up in a mirage, an illusion that blinded us--but no more!

So now.....PRAY FOR DIRECTION.  lol.

There is a house of worship that is meant just for you.  A place that the Lord as predestined you to be.  Seek direction before you go somewhere else. 

Good luck and God bless
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