I'm feeling pretty down; I have been over this choir for more than 3 years. We've had some ups an downs. This choir was formed for people between the ages 16 on up from anywhere in the area who wanted to sing. At the time, my Pastor had a vision to bring people especially young adults in to the church. Since than, the pastor resigned and we have a new one. A handful of deacons came to the Pres. and me to discuss the future of our choir. They told us that they only wanted MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH TO SING IN THE CHOIR--, and I WOULD HAVE TO RUN ANY NEW SONGS BY THE NOW MOM. (The MOM didn't want this choir from the beginning and felt threaten by it---we've never had any problems or feedbacks from any of our songs---we are contemporary --- they are traditional. I'm not saying this because I was over it, but, this choir was the BEST thing that every happened to our church. (On our Sundays, the congregation is FULL, sold more tapes, and of course, raised more money). Our choir has been struggling because of the resignation of the former Pastor. By removing the choir members who are not members of the church, will completely distroy the choir---THEY SAID THAT THEY ARE MOVING IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION! The way that they handled it was heartbeaking---they just said if you are not a member of this church, you can no longer sing in the choir or participate in any other activities. I haven't slept, people were crying: it was just horrible!!!
One of the members that they turned away was a 16Yr. boy whom I just brought in in March. Can you believe that the CHURCH TURNED AWAY A 16 YEAR OLD IN THIS DAY AND TIME!!!!! THEY GAVE HIM AN INIVITATION TO THE STREETS, AND THE LIFE OF CRIME. They never asked the boy what were his intentions or the history of his situation---THEY NEVER ASKED ME EITHER!!!!!!
I am a member of this church and hold an office of choir director, I am supposed to be there everytime the church doors are opened---I'm not supposed to play for other churchs, (even thou, our choir only sings once a month) visit other church/choirs----I'm SORRY!!!! THIS IS NOT HOW I WAS BROUGHT UP-----I ENJOY VISITING OTHER CHURCHES, CHOIRS, ETC. JUST TO SEE HOW THINGS ARE DONE ELSE WHERE!!! ----DID I MENTION, THE OTHER SUNDAYS AT MY CHURCH ARE TRADITIONAL AND VERY, VERY BORING AND I FEEL LIKE A SPECTATOR IN CHURCH AND NOT A PARTICIPATOR!!!
I'm sorry that this is long---I'm going to pray about it but sometimes, it's good to just write things down as look at what happened.
QUESTION: Are all you choir members members of the church?