... Master (Dominon - oversee completion of course)
... Disciple (Student/Discipline - one whom follows through)
"Anyone can begin something. It takes discipline to finish.
And those who muster the daily discipline to finish learn that
there is tremendous FREEDOM in starting and sticking with
In Discipline Lies Freedom - but why? Discipline gives you
freedom because you are no longer the victim of every
whim, worry or weirdo that comes along. You have the
freedom to get on a path and stay on it without being
side-tracked with distractions.
Ask yourself - have you finished what you've started..." (- excert from a martial arts training newsletter)
The above excert struck a chord in me on some things I have been discussing and taking personal examination/inventory of in my life recently. IN my now 33 years what have I finished?
(paraphrased) and HE said it is finished hung HIS head and gave up the ghost
HE didn't give up before it was finished... Think on it, this relates to your instrument (which we should master) , and your purpose and every good work to walk in dominon (mastery) .
- Be Blessed
You know what Sabe... LOL, I am going to take all of your posts, make a portfolio, and name it SabianKnight; Drummer, Mentor, Teacher, Servant (of God of course).... Sell it on eBay and gove you 90% (less 10% cause now I am your manager LOL
) You make this point clear... I dont visit the drummer room much, but when I do read your posts, I can see myself, and how I can help my other drummers out!!!
Discipline is a hard thing for me sometimes, cause I like to go against the grain, on purpose sometimes. It's hard for me to be submissive. But I will examine Me... B_X... (in my Blankman voice)... Yeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh.