We are continuing our discussions on a plantation mentality by discussing the need for education.
The Bible clearly says that GOD's people perish for lack of knowledge. However, somehow the church seems stuck in the rut of thinking that we can be ignorant and things still be alright. This is a demonic deception.
I can prove it is a demonic deceiption. Listen carefully. Some of the questions the church struggles over wouldn't even be issues in the world. The world wouldn't ask questions that silly.
Would you want to take music lessons from someone who couldn't read music? Of course we will want to point to the musicians who play wonderfully and can't read music at all. That is wonderful, and praise GOD that GOD made a way for them. But let me tell you something folks . . . playing what you hear and not being able to read music is like being able to talk but not being able to read the newspapers and books. You are limited, whether you know it or not.
So many saints don't know a thing about investments, money, home ownership, how to finance an education. Therefore they remain in crippling debt, because the only thing they know how to do is borrow money. And money lenders are there with big smiles and open arms, ready to give you a coffee mug with the name of their finance company on it.
Gospel CD's are some of the most expensive CD's around. Why? Becuase the companies know the typical person, unaware of copyright laws, is going to burn and bootleg, telling each other that once they buy that CD it is theirs and they can do what they want to with it. Yes, I said it. So the cycle continues . . . high prices, can't afford it, people burn copies, which result in higher prices . . . . all becuase we don't understand copyright laws, and we are so quick to say, "Hmph! I'm grown, I'll do what I want to do. I paid for this CD, and it is my bidness what I be doin' wid it!"
Meanwhile, someone else is getting rich off of our ignorance. Our own people are laboring for a fraction of what they should get, and the CD's are not even getting out to as many of our own people as could bless them, those who need them the most can't get them. It's the plantation all over again.
Your pastor and Bible teachers should be the best educated around. Not necessarily with a seminary education, but they should know their Bible and Bible history and challenge their people to dig into the Bible for themselves. But many are the saints . . . yes, especially us black saints . . . who would rather be entertained than taught. If we start teaching Bible history and culture, how to use basic Bible research tools and challenge the church to get serious about their studying, the people get mad.
That is a plantation mentality. The teacher is teaching for you, they already know the material.
talented youth are growing up not knowing how to speak intelligently. They think it is 'keeping it real" They don't know that speech patterns form, and soon they will be unable to get any type of position that requires intelligent verbal skills. And parents are not requiring their children to speak and act intelligently, like our parents required of us.
It's back to the plantation, back to the back of the bus . . . where you will be seen and not heard. Or if you are heard, you will not be taken seriously.
During the Civil Rights movement, there was nothing more important than education. Nothing. Those who went before us knew very well that as long as we didn't know, as long as their was ignorance among us, we would be subject to an oppressor.
Go to college. Go to seminary if you can. Learn to read music. Take Bible study seriously. Finish your education. And then share what you know with others.
Let's move off the plantation, folks.
Be Blessed