I can understand B, but E???
When im on guitar its fine, not when i am on keys. In fact i prefer to play on E rather than play on B when i am on guitar.
I feel you, from what I hear, E seems to feature prominently in guitar, "it's as Db or Ab on the keyboard for gospel musicians"..
I like B because I get to use what I call "hand-slap chords" alot because I just slap
(ok, I just lay my hand, i don't fight with the poor board!) all the black notes with my RH whilst holding the B with my LH & I'm sure we all know how sweet that sounds

At 1st, E felt very weird, but I guess I told myself I want to like it since most people have waged some type of war against it..
It feels very natural to play in for me..it's better than D & A 4 me (& 4now).
look, now U'v taken all my attention Fenix

I wanted to thank T-Block & Ferrente again..i enjoyed playing these..
They seem to have some type of magic in them..
I know asking for chords is not orthordox, but I'm requesting anyway, for my own personal pleasure..That stuff really goes down well..it's like some drop of something sweet is being dropped inside of me when I play...blahblah