I hear what alexmguitar is saying, and for the most part I agree. For matter it is not just about music. It could be (insert passion here). Whatever "it" is, the relationship has to meet on some common ground. If you build an entire relationship around the physical, the whole thing will fail apart quickly. It has to be built on something that lasts. I have heard couples say they can talk for hours and hours, and it never gets old. Well the ONLY time I talk to someone for hours and hours, is when we are both talking about a subject of interest. If my mate can't stand music, we can't talk about much for very long. That will almost definitely create a strain, because I would want to share my passion, and in my own home, face a person who may crush my dreams unintentionally due to disinterest. Vise versa if my husband had a great passion for fishing(which is something I have never done) and had to go every weekend, spend all his money on equipment, and I only go with him sometimes, mainly as a spectator, We would be missing the meat of the relationship, spending time together. Somebody would have to change their passion, which in once sense would change the person they married. I have lots of friends that are not musicians, but we can carry on a great conversation about what I do, and about what they do. But at the end of the day. I am not married to any one of them. It doesn't make them any less of a friend, because we understand the dynamics of the friendship. Marriage is friendship, but on a different level.
On another level, this is no different than not marrying a non Christian, because I am one. The Bible calls that unequally yoked.
Other people create lists of things they want their spouse to have, do, etc, such as (speaking from the female perspective) tall, dark and handsome man, I heard some say great teeth, no body odor, has a lot of money, and the list goes on and on. Essentially, if you are short, light, and ugly, bad teeth, stink, and are broke, you are out of luck. How is sharing common interests not more important that physical attributes that can change far more quickly than personality traits? I know for me, knowing myself, I would be doing myself and my husband a disservice in the relationship, if we could not share that common ground.