Hello to All!
It's been a long time since I last posted anything but, here we go. Everyone has had awesome comments, thanks for the help. But this is my "issue". I am Minister of Music/Co-Pastor/First Lady, etc.... (You Understand)

But we are a small ministry with just 3 on the praise time and myself. Okay I do not have the priviledge of working with those with voices

. When we practice a song, depending on the song, I can put them on key and they will stay there. Then there are other times, I can put them on their key and they can stay there until we are getting ready to sing it in service

. Please somebody help me deal with this issue. I understand your point VT but right now "showmanship is not in my vocabulary simply because where I am from there are so many people who come to church for "showmanship" and God has been dealing with me strong on ushering people into His presence without the "prime and the pump". Please understand me I am not saying this is what you do. To each his own, right? Again I understand where you are coming from because I have seen some choirs who just don't have no "showmanship" about them whatsoever and they sing a song and no one can tell that they feel what they are singing. So I feel you brother, and I'm not coming against your statement in any kind of way. But somebody help me not to get so frustrated with these jokers

Be Blessed