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Author Topic: Before Requesting Songs  (Read 80232 times)

Offline dewayne

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #60 on: March 30, 2009, 09:37:50 PM »

Offline blessedone

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2009, 06:56:35 PM »

Before anyone elsedecides to request chords for song, I strongly suggest that you go through these steps first:

1.  At least attempt to learn the song.

I see so many people just asking for chords, and I wonder if they even try to learn the song first.  My guess is most people just hear a song and automatcally think "I don't know this song, I'll just beg for chords."  This is the wrong frame of mind fellow musicians.  You have to try something in order to know for sure that u can or can't play a song.

2. If you have attempted to learn the song, post what you have figured out already.

I really don't like helping other people with chords to songs who don't first try to help themselves.  Try to list everything you already know about the song, so I can see that you have tried your best.  You can post the key of the song, the bass line, the melody line, any chords you have figured out, the name of the song, the artist, the lyrics to the song, etc.  If yall can post anything to show that u are trying, then I will be more apt to help you.

3. Asking for chords should be a last resort, not a first resort.

This is just a continuation of the above 2.  There are plenty of posts here on this site and on other sites that give you all the tools you need to learn about music.  I believe it's time that we, yes me included, stop being so lazy and get serious about music.  It takes a long time to really become a good musician, so don't try to rush thinking you can just get chords and be alright.  YOU WON'T!!!

If it seems like I'm yelling, that's the purpose of it.  I'm just wondering when are we gonna realize that there is no easy way to do this.  It takes hard work, dedication, determination, etc.  You have to be very serious and focused on what you are doing.  That means consistent practice not only on playing, but on the learning aspect, i.e. music theory.  There is no way around it guys and girls.

Music starts in your head, so if you want a true short-cut to becoming a better musician, get it in your head first.  Practicing away from the keyboard is just as effective as practicing in front of the keyboard.  If you never get this stuff in your head, you will never be able to really play and understand what you are playing because your mind should control your fingers, not the other way around.

O.K., I'm done yelling now, but honestly I want all of us to become the best musicians we can be.  I truly am concerned about your needs and I'm here to help in any way I can.  I love each and every one of you and I am praying for everybody's success in music.  T-Block out!!!

(This message may or may not reflect the opinions of the owner of this site or anyone else on this site)

I agree 100%, well said bro.
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Offline bishoppeterson30

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #62 on: December 02, 2009, 03:55:37 PM »
 :) that will preach (lol)that is so true asking without effort so true  very well said!!!

Offline karlmhoon

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #63 on: December 02, 2009, 11:15:02 PM »
:) that will preach (lol)that is so true asking without effort so true  very well said!!!

Welcome to the LGM Bishop

Offline vtayloer

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2010, 08:44:25 AM »
Ilike your comment....  I actually try to learn the song first by ear. Iplay with music only. so I an trying to develop my ear. sometime I spend hours on one part but it is worth it when I get it.  My one question is why is so hard to find gospel sheet music. that would make my life much easier.  I need wait on the lord by donnie m, right now praise, it not about us.  I am slowly learning these songs but ear.  ?/? :) 8)

Before anyone elsedecides to request chords for song, I strongly suggest that you go through these steps first:

1.  At least attempt to learn the song.

I see so many people just asking for chords, and I wonder if they even try to learn the song first.  My guess is most people just hear a song and automatcally think "I don't know this song, I'll just beg for chords."  This is the wrong frame of mind fellow musicians.  You have to try something in order to know for sure that u can or can't play a song.

2. If you have attempted to learn the song, post what you have figured out already.

I really don't like helping other people with chords to songs who don't first try to help themselves.  Try to list everything you already know about the song, so I can see that you have tried your best.  You can post the key of the song, the bass line, the melody line, any chords you have figured out, the name of the song, the artist, the lyrics to the song, etc.  If yall can post anything to show that u are trying, then I will be more apt to help you.

3. Asking for chords should be a last resort, not a first resort.

This is just a continuation of the above 2.  There are plenty of posts here on this site and on other sites that give you all the tools you need to learn about music.  I believe it's time that we, yes me included, stop being so lazy and get serious about music.  It takes a long time to really become a good musician, so don't try to rush thinking you can just get chords and be alright.  YOU WON'T!!!

If it seems like I'm yelling, that's the purpose of it.  I'm just wondering when are we gonna realize that there is no easy way to do this.  It takes hard work, dedication, determination, etc.  You have to be very serious and focused on what you are doing.  That means consistent practice not only on playing, but on the learning aspect, i.e. music theory.  There is no way around it guys and girls.

Music starts in your head, so if you want a true short-cut to becoming a better musician, get it in your head first.  Practicing away from the keyboard is just as effective as practicing in front of the keyboard.  If you never get this stuff in your head, you will never be able to really play and understand what you are playing because your mind should control your fingers, not the other way around.

O.K., I'm done yelling now, but honestly I want all of us to become the best musicians we can be.  I truly am concerned about your needs and I'm here to help in any way I can.  I love each and every one of you and I am praying for everybody's success in music.  T-Block out!!!

(This message may or may not reflect the opinions of the owner of this site or anyone else on this site)

Offline T-Block

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2010, 09:51:35 AM »
My one question is why is so hard to find gospel sheet music. that would make my life much easier.  I need wait on the lord by donnie m, right now praise, it not about us.  I am slowly learning these songs but ear.  ?/? :) 8)

Not a lot of gospel artists print their music out. The ones who do, you have to pay for them. There are some websites online where you can purchase gospel sheet music. One of those sites is www.nitimemusic.com
Real musicians play in every key!!!
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Offline Musicmama58

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2010, 12:10:43 PM »
Jan 4, 2010:  Happy New Year Everyone:  Regarding Before Requesting Songs:  I think this is the longest on going request subject.  (smile)  I would like to offer this simple advice:  Pray and ask God to help you with your songs, then listen to the recording:  Figure out the key; Note that most song have a certain pattern that flows throughout most of the songs.  If you do a little at a time that helps as well.  Most people try to learn the Entire song at one time.  Just work it out bit by bit.  Like Get the Intro.  Work the Chorus, then the Verses, then the bridge or vamp.  If you do the breakdown that helps you as well.

Another site you can check online is www.earnestandroline.com  or type in Earnest and Roline Ministry.  Once you get on the home page to the left is the Music Ministry Directory.  Chorded Songs is 3rd down.  But I caution you to be sure to actually play or work out the chords given because I found a song that had incorrect chords.  I had worked it out myself first and a friend sent me the chords posted but they did not sound right.  But it all work out well, because they had chords I had not tried.

I like to get the basic chords in the song first and then I add MY own flavor.  I do not like to imiate others, I like to create from what they started.  Words they sang about may not reflect my own life. 

I do pray that my little bit, help you out a whole lot.  MusicMama

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #67 on: February 14, 2010, 10:49:18 PM »
Hows it going everybody,

Its great to see such a site out here for church musicians. I could really learn alot from the songs all of you have  chorded but I dont recognize the chords as they are presented. For example:    c/c-e-g. Well... I recognize some of them when i see them. I know that this chord is C major with the root in the bass. But for the most part I dont recognize them. My instrument is guitar and I have learned to recognize chord symbols . If the chord symbols were presented (D7flat5,etc)also. I could take full advantage of the chorded songs presented here, which would be great. So what I'm asking is will you gifted musicans take the time to place the chord symbols beside the letters. for example: c/c-e-g   C Major, d-f-a  D Minor. It would really be a blessing to me and i'm sure to alot of  others. This is a great  ministry. Its hard for me to believe it exists.I believe this addition would increase its effectiveness. If no one wants to do this work I am more than happy to do it. Is there a chart that has the chord symbol and the notes spelled out for the various chords?(I doubt there is.Just trying to show I am willing to do the work. ) If there were such a chart I could place the symbols along side the notes myself and post it so others could be blessed.I know there have to be others like me. Nevertheless i can understand if its too much work to do this, the chord symbol may not come immediately to mind for you all. Just like looking at the notes only  doesn't bring to mind the chord symbol,most of the time.  But if that chord symbol were there I could sail on nicely.. Of course if this cant be done I'll just have to s-l-o-w-l-y figure out what the chords are...which is o.k. ..no pain no gain. But if someone could help in this way it would be great. I hope this makes sense.

Thanks and God bless you

Offline ivorim

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2010, 04:45:33 PM »
Hi, I am a new member and I totally agree with you.  I always try to sit down and leaarn the song and whatever I don't figure out I ask other musicians about the chords that I may be missing.  I look forward to sharing as well as becoming acquainted with everyone and helping who I can also!!

Offline LinLog

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #69 on: April 16, 2011, 12:05:21 AM »
Oh WOW!!, You made some good points.   I read music and I just really would prefer to read it the music to keep my reading skills sharp.  I'm developing the " learning by ear" method.

Offline lamir

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #70 on: July 19, 2012, 09:48:02 AM »

I agree bro, nicely said; and thank you so much for the encouraging words! Peace and blessings... ;D

Offline Huddster

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2012, 12:42:48 PM »
I ask for MERCY! I minister to guys in the local state prison. I don't even know the songs they ask me to get chords for. I'm just trying to help the guys out so we can sing on Sunday mornings & give God praise.
If this is too much to ask, to ask for help on this site, then I guess I'll need to get help elsewhere.
But- t- t If you all can help someone WAY out of her league, who is just a humble servant of the Lord, Who is wading in waters that are TOOO-o-o deep but trying to do the impossible with the help of God.
Then may I PLEASE get chords to songs without trying to learn it??? God Bless you all either way. I love you and so does God!

Offline Akan

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #72 on: October 11, 2012, 08:17:04 PM »
Hi great pianist'my name is Akan I ve been playing the piano on my own for the past 15 years now though I may not Really get the exact voicing and progression most of the time but I always try my Best,so can you guys help with the progression of these song my life belongs to you by isreal houghton mm ss d f m r d mfss d fmr mfss df mrd mf df mr dd this is my Email antiaakan@yahoo.com

Offline chaundel

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #73 on: December 15, 2012, 10:34:21 PM »
I agree bro, nicely said; and thank you so much for the encouraging words! Peace and blessings... ;D

amen,everyones situation isnt the same, everyone isnt striving to be a master musician..i personally just want to praise the Lord,i want to thank Him sometimes wether it be with a C key or a C chord...i pray you all dont forget what or rather who we should really be playing for. God bless
im thankful that God loves me

Offline chaundel

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #74 on: December 15, 2012, 10:36:03 PM »
I ask for MERCY! I minister to guys in the local state prison. I don't even know the songs they ask me to get chords for. I'm just trying to help the guys out so we can sing on Sunday mornings & give God praise.
If this is too much to ask, to ask for help on this site, then I guess I'll need to get help elsewhere.
But- t- t If you all can help someone WAY out of her league, who is just a humble servant of the Lord, Who is wading in waters that are TOOO-o-o deep but trying to do the impossible with the help of God.
Then may I PLEASE get chords to songs without trying to learn it??? God Bless you all either way. I love you and so does God!
im thankful that God loves me


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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #75 on: December 18, 2012, 10:52:32 AM »
Hi Guys! Newbie Here... What's the best wedding song there is ? ? ?

Offline shirley johnson

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #76 on: March 12, 2013, 09:59:01 PM »
I agree.  I will always try first. Thanks :) :)

Offline roston20032000

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i agree with you sir
« Reply #77 on: November 09, 2013, 06:31:18 AM »
sir youre the best i am guy from Nigeria and i must confess your chords has realy helped me sir,am working on some songs which i will post what i ve gotteh so far.my name iykecyril.

Offline cmckissack

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2013, 09:30:02 AM »
I just found your website and this is great! I need help today. My performance rehearsal is in a few days. I hope one of the piano musicians sees my plea today to help with chording, "O Come All Ye Faithful," by Twinkie Clark. This song dates back to 1998 from Christmas Album, "Real Meaning of Christmas."  I have attempted to put chords to the song and can forward today. I am not sure how to send or get this to you. Here is my email and I will forward my chording on this song.  [Camille.mckissack@yahoo.com]  I'm looking for a miracle. Hope someone can help.

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Re: Before Requesting Songs
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2013, 09:48:15 AM »
Here is my attachment for previous request, chording needed for "O Come All Ye Faithful"
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