Hey this Sunday I will be playing for the Toronto Mass Choir at this: http://www.celebration2006.ca . If you can get Canadian TV it will be aired live on the CTS station. My ash DDRUM kit is not in yet so I might use a Diabllo kit on it. Keep me in your prayers.
I hope you break every pair of yo sticks in sound check and end up playing the gig with CHOP STICKS!!! Jk man...Congrats Bro.
That would be hard seeing I have almost 100 pairs of Los Cabos jazz drumsticks on my over sized stick bad.
Why you gotta go there man? why you gotta play your endorsement card?
Congrats, BBD!! Post some clips if and when you can. With all the sticks you have, you should have LGM BBD trivia on here. The winner gets a pair of sticks and an autographed picture.
Hahahahahaha sorry I wasnt even trying to go there, I didnt even think that way, sorry.