I always want to give all honour and respect to God in my everyday life so here I go. OK in posts I find that some people when writing Gods name write it with a lower case g instead of a capital G. When we spell his name God that means the almighty BUT when we spell it god that means idols and not American neither. Sorry if this seems picky but I just felt led to write it.
This is a break through year for all who claim it and you don't want to leave any stone unturned to miss your blessing. I decided to really take a more serious approach to my walk with God (live life better, be in the word more, pray more) and I'm telling you God has started to bless me in ways that were just dreams two months ago (just ask your moderators, we need to talk again guys, lets hook up next week).
I tell you all this as my testimony! NOTHING was working out and I started to ask God why! He showed me that it was my walk with him, and that I needed to get back to holiness and a true life with him and I'm telling you my world has started to change! Expand my territory Lord so I can serve you better! Peace!