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Author Topic: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?  (Read 11299 times)

Offline alexanderhowze

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2006, 03:51:57 PM »
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Offline musiqisme26

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2006, 07:37:29 PM »
I know this challenge was given to Sjon, but I'll bite if that's OK! ;) (Sjon feel free to add any that I miss)

1. Hezekiah Walker & L.F.C. - "The 20/85 Experience"
2. Reed's Temple Choir - "Now Is The Time"
3. Bishop Eddie Long & the New Birth Total Praise Choir - "A New Beginning"
4. Donald lawrence & the Tri-City Singers - "The Finale (Acts I and II)"
5. Darrel Petties & S.I.P. - "Count It All Joy"
6. New Direction - "Send the Praise"
7. Rodnie Bryant & CCMC - "Change of Seasons"
8. Eddie Baltrip & Fulfillment - "Instrument of Praise"
9. Youthful Praise - "Live...The Praise!...The Worship!"
10. Malcolm Williams & Great Faith - "Walking In My Destiny"
11. Walt Whitman & the Soul Children of Chicago - "Reaching the Nations"

These are just SOME of the choir-oriented projects that have been released recently, most of them Billboard-charting projects. Looks like choir music is not as "dead" as we think!!!! It's definitely out there, and there is still a demand for it!!

BTW< I would even venture to say that Tye Tribbett and G.A.'s "Victory" is a choir project, too!! I know I will be teaching a couple of the songs to my youth choir. And this is not to even mention the choir projects that are on the horizon, like James Hall's new one slated to be released later this year!

I'll respond according to me which doesnt make it absolute truth but my own opinion

1. I agree
2. not a fan
3. havent heard it hope its better than the first
4. mostly older songs make this cd so to me doesnt count
5. have never heard of them will check them out
6. me like
7. mediocre
8. didnt like
9. love it
10. same as 5
11. just ok

Offline Loopy

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2006, 10:40:29 AM »

I'll respond according to me which doesnt make it absolute truth but my own opinion

1. I agree
2. not a fan
3. havent heard it hope its better than the first
4. mostly older songs make this cd so to me doesnt count
5. have never heard of them will check them out
6. me like
7. mediocre
8. didnt like
9. love it
10. same as 5
11. just ok

You are entiltled to your opinion, but correct me if I'm wrong, you DID say to name at least 5 recording choirs that put stuff out within the last year, didn't you? Well I gave you 11!. I don't LIKE everything on that list either, but it was all choir stuff. So how can you "agree" or "not agree" with what's on the list based on whether you like it or not? That's not in LINE with your original challenge! Not blasting you for your opinion, brutha, I'm only saying this because you put the word "agree" in the #1 spot, denoting that you "agree" with my (and your) selection of Hezekiah Walker.

BTW, Donald Lawrence had plenty of NEW songs on his finale CD, (Blessing of Abraham, Giants, Heir, Encourage Yourself, Matthew 28, These Nails, God Is, God) so this DOES count!
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Offline musiqisme26

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #43 on: June 03, 2006, 12:22:18 PM »
i originally post these exact words Choirs Worth Listening To. as far as d. lawrence i like his stuff but again to ME the old songs made me like the cd. so i did state worth listening and i dont listen to anything i dont like but its cool

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2006, 08:17:36 PM »
i originally post these exact words Choirs Worth Listening To. as far as d. lawrence i like his stuff but again to ME the old songs made me like the cd. so i did state worth listening and i dont listen to anything i dont like but its cool

You are correct Musiqisme26 that you said choirs worth listening to. Like you said, that is totally a matter of opinion. I have known many a choir song that I DID NOT like on the original recordings at all, but were killer songs when sung in church by the choir.
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Offline vtguy84

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2006, 09:51:32 PM »
Sooo.....has the Praise Team weakened the choir¿
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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2006, 12:03:36 AM »
Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir? it hasent weakened ours,if anything,when we both work together????wow,let's just say" Get Your Shout On".....all praise to the most high,and for further questionsm,as a reminder of why we do what we do to the glory of the Lord,we need to turn to Psalms,and pick a book,any book from there.
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Offline musiqisme26

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2006, 06:57:27 AM »
Live in South Africa is in heavy rotation for me but I personally cant count Isreal & New Breed as a choir, I call them an oversized praise team. I mean how may choirs are singing his stuff i really dont know of any but how many P&W teams are I know of many that are. the fact some churches who are big enough that had big choirs that are no more cuz the songs that are relevant in todays services come from praise teams. Dont get me wrong choirs arent dead or forgotten but at one time a choir was the thing for a black church

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2006, 08:42:28 AM »
Live in South Africa is in heavy rotation for me but I personally cant count Isreal & New Breed as a choir, I call them an oversized praise team. I mean how may choirs are singing his stuff i really dont know of any but how many P&W teams are I know of many that are. the fact some churches who are big enough that had big choirs that are no more cuz the songs that are relevant in todays services come from praise teams. Dont get me wrong choirs arent dead or forgotten but at one time a choir was the thing for a black church

I agree with this point except that Israel's group is by no means an oversized praise team....They only have 6 singers.....
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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2006, 02:56:24 PM »
Very,Very well put "rdperry1". All that we do should be done in spirit,and in truth.Again,i say,we use our praise team to kinda warm up the sanctuary before service.I've been waiting to march in with the chior,and the praise team would have the whole church on there feet,singing,praising,it would get us(the chior) all fired up to get ready to do our part.I just think it trully depends on the church,and if they have enough dedicated people to form a chior.Cause we all know,getting a whole group together can trully be rough,so if you can get 5,or6,dedicated souls to sing unto the glory of God,and be dedicated,and faithful,than so be it ,only for that church.But by no means will praise teams replace chiors as a whole.

like i said,read psalms,it tells it all about praise and worship.
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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2006, 03:44:55 PM »
Live in South Africa is in heavy rotation for me but I personally cant count Isreal & New Breed as a choir, I call them an oversized praise team. I mean how may choirs are singing his stuff i really dont know of any but how many P&W teams are I know of many that are. the fact some churches who are big enough that had big choirs that are no more cuz the songs that are relevant in todays services come from praise teams. Dont get me wrong choirs arent dead or forgotten but at one time a choir was the thing for a black church

Whether or not the advent of the praise team weakening the choir varys from church to church. Point blank and period. As far as finding "choir" music, there's still plenty of stuff out there. One has to be willing to look, or begin to write songs yourself.

I think we put too much emphasis on placing the blame on other people not meeting our expectations of how things should be, when we can resolve these issues ourselves.

Unless there's something I'm missing, you are agreeing with what I posted a few days ago. As fas as Israel & New Breed being a choir, they aren't; an oversized praise team; they aren't (by virtue of members.

Now, as for singing music that is "relevant', I would love to fully understand what you mean by that. Please, note that I'm not attacking you; and maybe I should go first.

For me, music that is relevant in today's church, is music that can tap into the spirit of God and speak to His people. It's not about the chords or the catchy chorus, as a matter of fact, it's not about the music in and of iself. It's about the way the music can touch the heart and the lives of the people.

Using that as a "definition", then I'd say, "yes" Israel & New Breed are singing and playing music that is relevant in today's churches. But, they aren't the only group that is ministering that kind of music. There are choirs out there that are doing that, as well; and some have been named in this thread.

I hope that I have been able to clear up my point of view. It ain't gospel, it's my opinion.  :D

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Offline musiqisme26

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Re: Has the Praise Team weakened the Choir?
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2006, 04:47:54 PM »
I agree with this point except that Israel's group is by no means an oversized praise team....They only have 6 singers.....

now i aint been to school in a minute but i know i saw more than 6 members on the video??
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