Very,Very well put "rdperry1". All that we do should be done in spirit,and in truth.Again,i say,we use our praise team to kinda warm up the sanctuary before service.I've been waiting to march in with the chior,and the praise team would have the whole church on there feet,singing,praising,it would get us(the chior) all fired up to get ready to do our part.I just think it trully depends on the church,and if they have enough dedicated people to form a chior.Cause we all know,getting a whole group together can trully be rough,so if you can get 5,or6,dedicated souls to sing unto the glory of God,and be dedicated,and faithful,than so be it ,only for that church.But by no means will praise teams replace chiors as a whole.
like i said,read psalms,it tells it all about praise and worship.