I hear you sis... One thing that bothers me though about the younger sets is that they wear clothes that they would wear to clubs... Don't get me wrong, but older ones do it too... but I know that a lot of what our youth does, they learn from example. Me personally, I wear suits... I am not into BIG HATS, but I do love nice suits. Culturally, in the church, I think that people feel that it is only ACCEPTABLE to wear stockings, NO PANTS (women), and ties (MEN)... I am not too much familiar with whatever customs there are, but I was raised to always have on a skirt and stockings. I play the drums, and it is hard, but I always have a hankie on my lap.
I like what you said about the weather too... I mean, that should go for outside of church too... If you are acceptable in the house of the Lord, you should be acceptable outside because you represent Him... You could be a tremendous example to other young folks... 15 is not an age where I would ASSUME that kids want to be suited and booted for church... But they should strive to be ACCEPTABLE in God's sight...
Folks get that phrase 'come as you are' mixed up... truth be told, it means come to Christ as you are. Don't get me wrong, if all you have is some hotpants and a halter top then come on in, but if you have a choice between a long skirt and less provocative blouse... then...err... umm.... well, You should go for the ACCEPTABLE approach, YES YES YES it does affect worship. Not only would it be a sexually suggestive thing to have cleavage popping out, ya thighs all out... Skirt so tight I can see your food digesting, but it is a distraction because people are talking about you... "I can't tell you what the service was about, but gurrllll, did you see Tameka in that skirt"...lol... LGM should open an Attire Room... so that people can be sure what is acceptable to wear or not...
Whewww, a lot can be said on that topic... a lot.