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Author Topic: Inspiration....  (Read 2288 times)


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« on: May 23, 2006, 09:07:37 AM »
What's your inspiration?  What made you start playing the Organ?

Was it hearing someone who could really play?  Being around a musician?  etc.

Also, what keeps you going?  After years of playing, what motivates you to keep practicing?  To keep pushing?

Me?  I've only begun.  I'm a drummer who always wished I could play keys.  But like ALOT of people, I always thought that playing by ear was some superhuman feat that required perfect pitch and rare natural ability.  I bought a Keyboard for Christmas.

About a month in, I became infatuated with the Organ after visiting showmethat.com.

I love music.  My motivation?  To be the best Organist in Brooklyn, East NY.  That's my long-term goal.

What made you start, and what keeps you goin?


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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 10:31:50 AM »
Guess we have alot of uninspired folk here at LGM   :D :D :D

Offline MikaSue

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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 10:37:21 AM »

I've read several of your posts.  Your insults don't make me want to post!  Just chill out.  you reposted that insult only 1 hour after you posted it.   Calm down.

So now  my inspiration is Praising God.  Oh when I feel down, I can priase God through my music. It's something that no one can take from me. It's something I carry with me.  I love the keys. I love making them do what I want them to do.  Hallelujah God can work through my fingers.  It's my ministry.

I didnt' have any persons willing to share information with me.  Everything I have learned soo far is from reading music and visiting these type of sites.  That's why I'm soooo greatful for this site!  There isn't another one like it  :-)

You have to keep practicing. You can never know enough about this music thang.

God Bless you for this post.
Praise God!


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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2006, 11:22:58 AM »

I've read several of your posts.  Your insults don't make me want to post!  Just chill out.  you reposted that insult only 1 hour after you posted it.   Calm down.



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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2006, 11:24:40 AM »
I do not insult members of this board.  That was a joke!   :-\

Where have you seen me attack someone? 

Offline MikaSue

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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2006, 11:52:22 AM »
calm down....
I didn't say you attack people. I say you always post something like  i guess no one is reading this or something.  Just be patient.

You cool!   
Praise God!


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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2006, 11:57:10 AM »
Well, you did say I attack people.


I've read several of your posts.  Your insults don't make me want to post!

Can't insult someone without attacking them.  Anyway, it's all good.

Hey, and I AM calm.....Look at my role model in my avatar   :D  :D  :D

What u doin Rjthakid?

"Nuuuhn....Just Chiiiiiillin."

organ man1990

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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2006, 03:36:15 PM »
I was only 10 yrs old. I loved the drums. So my pastor just called me outta the blue and told me to play a song on the drums. Well, I succeeded and went on to play drums. Well, my grondmother was a backslider and i learned that she played organ for her church when my mother was a Child. My pastor pastored other churches. Anyways, she gave me her keyboard because she always saw me liking it and bangin on it
(I was 14 at the time). So when my mother told me she used to play and we were praying to get her back in the church, I found a Goal to achieve. So one Friday night, my pastor said that "Sunday he wanted all young kids who played school instruments or had a desire to play one, to get around the altar so he can ask GOD to anointe them".  To make a long stor short He anointed me to play keybaord first. I had no lessons, no music, didn't know chords(still don't LOL), but God blessed me and only 6 months later, I was promoted to ORgan. NOw Just this past EAster, My Grandmother gave her life back to the LORD and now, she is getting anointed to play the Organ once again . So now I can sit by her side and play keyboard while she retakes her Organ Bench back. (HALLELUJAH)


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Re: Inspiration....
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2006, 04:36:00 PM »
I was around 9 years old when I started playing. I was drawn to the organ because of the way it looked. the one sunday I went to church with my dad(at that time he was going to a different church), there was a organist by the name of Andrew Best who just a complete monster, I mean his style, and the way he chorded was just mind blowing. this made me want to play organ. I would go home and listen to my sister's Hezi and James Hall cd's with Melvin Crispell playing the organ on them. I'm from baltimore but I love the brooklyn style of organ playing.
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