We’ve Come This Far By Faith
By: Rodnie Bryant (Change of Season CD)
Arr by: Val215
Key C
L H / R H
Note: I didn’t add the running bass line or the fill-ins, but it’s real easy to figure out.
A / G-C-D-E
We’ve come this far byD / F#-C-D-E
faithG / A-C-D-F
leaning on the C / G-C-D-E
LordA / G-C-D-E
And we’re trusting in His D / F#-C-D-E
wordG / A-C-D-F
leaning on the C / G-C-D-E
LordA / G-C-D-E
We’ve come this far by D / F#-C-D-E
faithG / A-C-D-F
leaning on theC / G-C-D-E
LordA / G-C-D-E
And we’re gonna finish theD / F#-C-D-E
raceG / A-C-D-F
leaning on theC / G-C-D-E
Lord yeahVerse: (Note: I don’t know the lyrics but use the exact same chords.)
A / G-C-D-E
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohD / F#-C-D-E
OoooG / A-C-D-F
Oh, oh, oh, ohC / G-C-D-E
can’t turn around (Repeat many times)
Key Change Db
Bb / Ab-Db-Eb-F
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohEb / G-Db-Eb-F
OoooAb / Bb-Db-Eb-Gb
Oh, oh, oh, ohDb / Ab-Db-Eb-F
can’t turn around(Repeat many times)
Key Change D
B / A-D-E-F#
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohE / G#-D-E-F#
OoooA / B-D-E-G
Oh, oh, oh, ohD / A-D-E-F#
can’t turn around(Repeat many times)
Key Change Eb
C / Bb-Eb-F-G
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohF / A-Eb-F-G
OoooBb / C-Eb-F-Ab
Oh, oh, oh, ohEb / Bb-Eb-F-G
can’t turn around(Repeat many times)
C / Bb-Eb-F-G
We’ve come this far byF / A-Eb-F-G
faithBb / C-Eb-F-Ab
leaning on the Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
LordC / Bb-Eb-F-G
And we’re trusting in HisF / A-Eb-F-G
wordBb / C-Eb-F-Ab
leaning on the Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
LordC / Bb-Eb-F-G
We’ve come this far by F / A-Eb-F-G
faithBb / C-Eb-F-Ab
leaning on the Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
LordC / Bb-Eb-F-G
And we’re gonna finish the F / A-Eb-F-G
raceBb / C-Eb-F-Ab
leaning on the Eb / Bb-Eb-F-G
Lord yeah.Enjoy & Be Blessed