Alright guys,i can see that some of you got offended with what i said so i'd like to make things clear.There seems to be a misunderstanding with that track.So what i'd like to know is :is Eric Shedding over that track ,or is it the actual track that is on a cd?It makes a huge difference to me.Maybe Eric could answer me himself.
So,if it's a shed,then it's alright with me and what i've said is irrelevant.If not,then it still holds true.At least in my ears.I can't even hear the song in the back.That pretty much says it all.If Mario asked for it,then i don't really get the musical meaning of it.Once again,i love drum solos when the music calls for it which to me is not the case here.I guess musical tastes vary from people to another.
Eric,you're a very gifted and talented drummer and nobody can deny that but i still don't dig the track even tho' i like your playing.I'd love to hear you in a more pocket-ish situation so i can have sthg different to relate to.I wish i could do half the stuff you do on the set,but too many tricks and licks won't ever hold up to a great groove.Not that you can't play a solid deep groove,sure you can,and i'm waiting for a track that'll demonstrate that.