I am a music major who recently graduated from college and I have been playing piano for about 10 years. I ahve been playing in church for about 5 years and I have been trained classically in piano. I am an excellent piano player when it comes to Mozart and Chopin, that kind of stuff, but I really struggle with playing in church because I don't know how to play all of the chords and riffs, runs, etc, just the basic I IV V I progressions and add a couple of deceptive cadences in where i can fit them. I feel bad sometimes because the other musician at my church is great at playing and can do all of those things and I cannot get him to teach me anything like that. I really need help because I try to come up with new ways of playing things, but end up stopping because I get frustrated and can't make anything creative. I am excellent in thoery and understand that, but when it comes to applying that to the music, I am not all there. Please help out if you can. I really want to advance my ministry through music because it's not about me...