...so, recently I'm at a service that I was invited to play organ at, and they get to shouting...I don't do any of the Tye, or East Coast praise break hits...I'm not big on trend playing...but anyway, I'm quite amazed after service as both my wife(who has heard me play tons of all sort of styles and events)...and my 10 year old son,who hears me play and practice all the time..was ranting and raving about me "killing da shouting music"
...I was quite taken aback by their response, as I grew up and cut my teeth playing that sort of stuff, and I dont think a former COGIC boy ever forgets how to play shout music right?? So I asked my son "you thought your dad sucked??"...he said "no sir, I'm just used to hearing you play shout music on the piano at home,and its not as cool"
I'm just as comfy on piano as I am organ, and in most cases there is not a drop off of me playing one over the other, However, I never thought about it until my son shared his observation....and truth be told, although I don't play it in our own service often, my rejoicing/shouting music is FAR superior on organ than it is on piano,even if I have a good bass player, where I can just chord and do licks....tis not the same
I was just curious in regards to those of you who are fluent on both piano and organ, is there a particular style of song or music, where you find yourself having a pronounced strength on one instrument over the other??? please share