1. Divide your practice times into maybe 30-45 min. intervals, 2-4 times a day. It is much easier on the voice. Practicing all at once can just wear you out quicker and also, you can lose focus quicker( well in my case, I do)
I practice everytime.
I sing the praise songs anywhere anytime.
So this should not be a problem
2. Warm Up...not just vocally, but PHYSICALLY!
Stretch, stretch, stretch!!! Make sure your body is loose and not all tensed up. A tensed up body can lead to very bad
singing which is not good for your body. If possible, lie on the floor and breathe. REMEMBER: Your LOWER stomach
expands when inhaling. When exhaling, try this little exercise, of making a hissing sound. This allows you to slowly exhale
causing your stomach to exhale. In the long run, this really comes in handy because you start to notice you can hold you
breath longer for those really long notes. It is all about that muscle memory. NEXT, vocally warm your voice up. No harsh
screaming is needed. HIT ME UP...if you need some vocal excercises that are also good for breathing!
Umm.. I dont know the point of doing this?
And, maybe I have this already.. how do I know that I have got the point of doing this?
3. Break your songs up! You can start in the beginning, but when it comes to memorizing pieces, you always seem to remember
the beginning so well. Try starting from the end for a change. ( I do this alot because I have to read music all the time.)
No problem with the songs.
If it's about the lyrics, I have lots of lyrics database in this comp.
If it's about the note, the high-low note, I guess that depends on the person, doesnt it?
4. Stay hydrated while practicing. Lord knows you don't want that scratchiness to creep up on ya' and you have no water (not ice
cold, either)
LOL. Yea, once before I sang a song, I drink a cold water.. right!! No voice at all.
5. Have a cassette player handy! You can playback things from a previous practice, listen to other singers/music/accompaniment, and
also record yourself!
Better than cassete player.. Winamp's ready everytime
6. When singing and you know you've made a mistake, go back and fix it then! Make note of what you were struggling with.
Yes, I am doing this too. But some WL (worship leaders) have a very very high voice.. I can reach that by struggling
And sometimes with this 'female' voice. I just dont feel weird with the 'female' voice. Not about the shame or things, but I feel that it's just not right.
7. Have somebody sit in sometimes and give you some feedback.
I will have someone.
Most probably my youth leader.
8. End your practicing on a positive note. In the end, it helps you look forward to your next practice session.
What is positive note?
Do you have any good song for practicing my voice? Especially those high notes.
And of course, how to 'burn' the atmosphere? I am talking about the exploding feeling.