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Author Topic: How do you know it's time to leave your church?  (Read 2097 times)

Offline tania108

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How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« on: August 02, 2006, 07:22:31 PM »
I've bad experiences with people talking about you behind your back, downright cussing you in your face and all.....but I was personally humiliated by my pastor when I was speaking and I was really hurt by that and haven't been back for a year.  What should I do?

Offline 4hisglory

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 09:10:42 PM »
This is always a tough decision.  I would pray on it and then decide that if you HATE going to church, and has been like that for some time, it may be time to move on.


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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 09:14:13 PM »
I've bad experiences with people talking about you behind your back, downright cussing you in your face and all.....but I was personally humiliated by my pastor when I was speaking and I was really hurt by that and haven't been back for a year.  What should I do?

Realisticly, if you truely haven't been back for a year you are not an active member of that church.  It's hard to say what would happen if you went back.  I would just pray and ask God to guide you to a new Church home where you can be used and fed.

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2006, 09:32:49 AM »
I've bad experiences with people talking about you behind your back, downright cussing you in your face and all.....but I was personally humiliated by my pastor when I was speaking and I was really hurt by that and haven't been back for a year.  What should I do?

Start by using Matthew 18:15-17. Speak with your pastor and tell him how you're feeling. If it goes well or not, then pray and ask God what you should do. This way, you've dealt with the hurt that you've been carrying and you can give it to God so that you don't become bitter as it pertains to church folk.

Be blessed.
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Offline tania108

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 04:05:57 PM »
Thanks for all the responses. :)  Whenever I go to my pastor and tell him I would like to speak with him he never makes it an importance.  I've taken it into consideration that he's very busy as the next pastor.............but there's only a handful of us......literally.  I've always felt a bit intimidated towards him, so we don't have that sit-down-and-talk-it-out-kinda relationship (as I had with his father). And I always end up talking it out with the pastor's wife.  She's been very helpful in more ways than one but........ correct me if I'm wrong.  Isn't the pastor suppose to lead the sheep? and not the pastor's wife?

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2006, 05:24:52 PM »
Thanks for all the responses. :)  Whenever I go to my pastor and tell him I would like to speak with him he never makes it an importance.  I've taken it into consideration that he's very busy as the next pastor.............but there's only a handful of us......literally.  I've always felt a bit intimidated towards him, so we don't have that sit-down-and-talk-it-out-kinda relationship (as I had with his father). And I always end up talking it out with the pastor's wife.  She's been very helpful in more ways than one but........ correct me if I'm wrong.  Isn't the pastor suppose to lead the sheep? and not the pastor's wife?

That's for you to decide and not for us to tell you.  ;)
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Offline lumbebear1

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2006, 07:55:26 AM »
Good advice sj

Offline laj528

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2006, 08:49:29 PM »
It is unfortunate that people are just that people, some (good vessels of honor) and some bad (vessels of dishonor.) Never forget that all in church are not saved this is why we must stay focused on God and not man for man will sure fail you.
As for your question about what should you do?
Well that is dependent on your relationship with God.
   1 Seek God for an answer.
   2 Seek God for an answer.
   3 Oh yea, seek God for an answer.

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (Heb12:14)

Offline thescientist

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2006, 09:07:00 PM »
I would just add...let the Holy Spirit be your guide.  With him, we have the spirit of discernment.....

This webpage may help you out.


Offline tania108

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2006, 03:18:24 PM »
Thanx again for the responses.

We also tend to forget who is really in charge.........GOD is in charge!  And unfortunately there are too many baby christians and those like myself who fall into that trap of depending on "man/woman" and end up in a whole lotta mess.  That's why we have to continue to pray for our leaders. Amen?

Wow! Scientist that website is really something and it helped alot....thanx :D

Offline thescientist

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2006, 11:30:51 PM »
I am glad that website helped you out tania...

the book that really helped me to better understand the Holy Spirit was: 
      Good Morning Holy Spirit by: Benny Hinn

this book really changed my life and more importantly my walk.....

God Bless!

Offline tania108

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2006, 07:06:03 PM »
Imma look out for this book. Thanks ;)

Offline h313w

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2006, 01:09:50 PM »
I've bad experiences with people talking about you behind your back, downright cussing you in your face and all.....but I was personally humiliated by my pastor when I was speaking and I was really hurt by that and haven't been back for a year.  What should I do?

Been there , doing that Tania. Now, I don' know how you feel about going to church online, but no one would get on your nerves, your can find God in a bar, if you happen to get saved there, you can pay tithes STILL through  GRACE ( some pastors still on the way of the Law), and dirty laundry doesn't have to be aired by people you THOUGHT you knew. See we gonna get through this in our mid 30's. something about that age bracket in these last and evil days I don' know Ms NY. Get some speakers for the computer and hear the WHOLE services at large, etc. There's ways around the craziness churches start; are we really supposed to bring the world into the church ? the world's affecting it I know that, and 70% of time we exist for the stage. AWWWW yall don' hear me.
I'm not finished playing

Offline tania108

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Re: How do you know it's time to leave your church?
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2006, 04:30:49 PM »
I'm feeling ya on TV church but it's not enough for me.  I work in the missionary and staying at home won't cut it.  Thanks for the support! :)
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