First of all I am so thankful that I found this site, it is exactly what I have needed in my playing I think. I am an experienced keyboarder in all sorts of genres of music (classical, jazz, pop, etc.) I have worked in church music for several years and have messed with gospel music and arranging songs to have a more gospel vibe but I have never been happy with the majority of my chord voicings come out in complex chord structures and also in taking basic progressions in worship music and adding more flavor. I have had some success in adding 11ths to m7 chords but I am not sure how to use #11 #13 b11 so forth to add 'soul' to otherwise boring progressions. When I play 9th 11th and 13th chords they sound structured and lack depth. I am sure I will have more questions as I get responses, but for now "How do you pull that recognizable gospel sound with chord voicings and possibly even chord subs?" Thanks in advance for any replies- layman's terms and theory jargon allowed!!