Well what I plan to do for all those who are interested is this:
I am in prayer and preparation to start a music ministry here in Houston, presenting a yearly conference that teaches, motivates, celebrates, and displays the character of God through music of all forms. Culminating with a "live" recording that would display the conference mass choir. I am seeking teachers, writers, musicians, singers, and prayer warriors who would like to join me in this endeavor. This conference will be held annually here in Houston, and we would like to expand all over and do follow-up workshops whenever and wherever they are needed. For those of you who are interested you can contact me by sending an e-mail to me at
mteekemp@yahoo.com or respond with a personal message on this site. I would really like to here from you soon so that we can organize the first conference and set it in motion. Again I say I am really interested in your input and am already grateful for your involvement on this endeavor and look forward to hearing from you real soon...mad love until we meet again...Mtee