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Author Topic: WEBSITE CREATION  (Read 1341 times)

Offline demusicman

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« on: March 08, 2006, 01:53:44 PM »


I am the "webmaster" (if you wanna call me that, I dont really know much about creating websites, I just play around with it until i learn something) of a Gospel Group in Athens, Georgia. We are trying to build a website. We are about to purchase a domain. I am technically inclined but when it comes to websites, i am not so good. I was appointed for this position because i had frequent access to a computer and because i understand computer terms more so than the rest of the group. The administrator of the group has a vision for the group based on ideas he saw on Jonathan Nelson and Purpose website http://www.jnandpurpose.com/index.html. I know that this is not an easy task. However, if you know of any Webhosts that would allow me to create a site similar to this one I would be grateful. Or even if you know how this can be done.

Thanks in advance

Unexperienced webmaster seeking to learn.
Daniel E. Smalls, Minister of Music & Worship Arts
Heaven Bound Ministries Worship Center


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« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 01:58:18 PM »
I use this hosting company, the owner is Christian and ministry minded...


I don't think anyone has out the box tools to do what is on JN's site.  I'm basicly the same as you but a few steps past where you are.  Check out my church link below and my www link in my profile

Offline mizzshan

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« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 10:29:08 PM »
As an artist and webdesigner as well I can tell u right off the bat that the site has been Photoshopped....The whole design is a template design, using Adobe Photoshop (I dunno which version) as the graphics.  The layout is a advanced version of the table layout itself.  With Photoshop it comes bundled w/ Adobe Image Ready sorta like their version of Macromedia's fireworks, and that is how the rollover button work is done. You can basically do a whole website in photoshop and slice the graphics accordingly.  Trial and error, the thing is the design.  Coding would be the easier part, the design and the coding w/ design is the toughie. The design on Jonathan Nelson's site is a simple design with just some text art, simple shapes, embossed edges, and a little photomanpulation on the header itself.  The navigation header has been embossed and done with some simple text art, and small shadows.  So it is still a clean simple layout designed site, and looked really elegant.  The rollover is a simple transparent gradient, so, this is pretty cool.

I design websites a lot just check out my own website with the link its more of a comic/manga website, but I used photoshop and MS Front Page to code everything accordingly.  It took me a whole month to create this version of my website so.   This is the link: www.lponline2k4.com  There are some tutorials on these type of layouts on the web.        If I can be of any assistance just send me a PM.

Kadman, like what you did on the site so far, lookin' good.  :)

God bless,
In all things give thanks. :)

Offline Uneac Creashun

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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 01:01:15 AM »
I use Ipower.com
B asic
I  nstructions
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