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Should "active" homosexuals be allowed to sing, play, or service the church?

Yes, absolutely
12 (18.5%)
No, absolutely
41 (63.1%)
Yes, but with limitations
3 (4.6%)
Maybe, depends on the circumstances and the church
4 (6.2%)
Not certain
5 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 61

Voting closed: April 07, 2006, 01:41:29 AM

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Author Topic: Active Homosexuality Within the Church  (Read 26074 times)

Offline erictoler

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Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« on: March 07, 2006, 12:41:29 AM »
Homosexuality is a very uncomfortable, touchy, and a seemingly taboo reality within the church. Unfortunately, many pastors tend to shy away from preaching and teaching on this very important issue.
Many people in our churches suffer from this condition and it needs to be addressed more, but it needs to be dealt with through LOVE!!! Please keep in mind that I said "ACTIVE". There is a tremendous difference. Try reading 1 Corinthians 6 with focus on verses 9-20.
Please let me know your comments, thoughts, and beliefs on this topic. It will be much appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
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Offline Feltab

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 05:09:01 PM »
I think the scriptures are clear on homosexuality, continuing in any sin is not a nice place to be, I pity them but their blood be upon their own shoulders if they are warned and do not repent, it is out of love that we should warn them of the distruction ahead.

Offline CESharp

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 12:39:20 PM »
I totally understand what you are saying. 
This is what I think:
God doesn't like the sin but loves the sinner!
If we sit homosexuals down, then we all need to sit.  Lets pray for that spirit to be cast out (as well as Liars, stealers, cheater, etc.)

In LOVE!!!!!
Carla E.
Canaan Church (Urbana, Illinois)
U of I

Offline Chynadolle

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2006, 02:59:40 PM »
We have homosexuals within our church and choir and our pastor will and does preaches on it, and I care for them very much they are very respectable in the way they carry themselves (not dress out) clean cut and well dressed, they know the word and what is exceptable in God's eyes, and that between them and the Lord,  but I believe fully that he who is without sin cast the first stone, therfore I will not judge and throw stones either.
Thanks LaQuanda

Offline dfwkeys

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2006, 10:21:54 AM »
I believe that if you are doing a ministry w/in the church and your lifestyle is a sin, rather it be homosexual, a drug addict, etc, then you should not be allowed to be in that ministy, the reason is because, as being in a ministry or leadership, then it will send the wrong message to people who are new to Christ... This is not judging them at all, judging is condeming, and this is not an act of condeming... When someone is singing or playing music in a church, it is a ministry, such as preaching, now if that was the case, then it would be the equivalent as a homosexual preaching on the pulpit.  Now what kind of example will that be.  All of us is born into sinful nature, that is why it's important, that we teach the goodness of Christ so he can give us a new heart, and new desires, and not the desires of this world.  That's why the bible says transforming of the mind, because your mindset will not be on desires of homesexuality but desires to please Christ.

Offline lumbebear1

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 01:09:42 PM »
Homosexuality is a very uncomfortable, touchy, and a seemingly taboo reality within the church. Unfortunately, many pastors tend to shy away from preaching and teaching on this very important issue.
Many people in our churches suffer from this condition and it needs to be addressed more, but it needs to be dealt with through LOVE!!! Please keep in mind that I said "ACTIVE". There is a tremendous difference. Try reading 1 Corinthians 6 with focus on verses 9-20.
Please let me know your comments, thoughts, and beliefs on this topic. It will be much appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Sexual sin of any nature is an uncomfortable topic it seems it a lot our churches, as with all sin it must be dealt with. "Many people in our church suffer from this condition..." this condition is called sin, yes it should be dealt with........John 3:16 For God so loved.............He died for all sin, yet the word also tells us that He came not to condem..........

Before we use 1 Cor. 6:9-20, let us first use John 3:16-17 as our basis for ministry. God's Love

my 02.


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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2006, 11:12:29 PM »
Bboy...oh how this topic just repeats itself.  :-X

Offline clcmusicchic

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2006, 11:21:22 PM »
okay, it is one thing if you have been a homosexual and you are trying to change your ways but if you keep doing it and you know better than I think you should sit down for a minute until you get yourself together. That would be no different I guess if a woman kept getting pregnant and she was in ministry. Maybe she needs to sit down and get hersself together before she steps back into ministry. Think about what kind of message you are sending to people. We want to try to change not continue in our sinful ways. We need the Lord to give us strength to help us through each day!!!
The Lord is Blessing me right now!!!

Offline Darrynn

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2006, 02:50:51 PM »
okay, it is one thing if you have been a homosexual and you are trying to change your ways but if you keep doing it and you know better than I think you should sit down for a minute until you get yourself together. That would be no different I guess if a woman kept getting pregnant and she was in ministry. Maybe she needs to sit down and get hersself together before she steps back into ministry. Think about what kind of message you are sending to people. We want to try to change not continue in our sinful ways. We need the Lord to give us strength to help us through each day!!!

I have to agree and disagree with you on a few points...

1) I agree that if you know what you are doing is unpleasing in the sight of God, than you should be sat down...until God  is finished working on you and you have deliverance from that demonic stronghold.

2) In the Bible, childbirth in wedlock was close to the heart of God. I personally know a lady Pastor who during her tenure has had many children, and God has used them in mighty ways. Just because a woman is in ministry does not mean that she is not allowed to bear children. It would be different if the woman was not married, then she would be out of line with the word of God!

Praise Jesus!

Offline clcmusicchic

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2006, 08:56:48 PM »
okay, what I was trying to say about the women getting pregnant was the one who was not married and just sleeping around. I guess I didn't make that clear. Meaning that she didn't take her ministry seriously!!!
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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2006, 07:05:30 PM »
I believe that if you are doing a ministry w/in the church and your lifestyle is a sin, rather it be homosexual, a drug addict, etc, then you should not be allowed to be in that ministy, the reason is because, as being in a ministry or leadership, then it will send the wrong message to people who are new to Christ... This is not judging them at all, judging is condeming, and this is not an act of condeming... When someone is singing or playing music in a church, it is a ministry, such as preaching, now if that was the case, then it would be the equivalent as a homosexual preaching on the pulpit.  Now what kind of example will that be.  All of us is born into sinful nature, that is why it's important, that we teach the goodness of Christ so he can give us a new heart, and new desires, and not the desires of this world.  That's why the bible says transforming of the mind, because your mindset will not be on desires of homesexuality but desires to please Christ.


Offline bigblackdrummer

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2006, 09:27:54 PM »

I have to agree and disagree with you on a few points...

1) I agree that if you know what you are doing is unpleasing in the sight of God, than you should be sat down...until God  is finished working on you and you have deliverance from that demonic stronghold.

2) In the Bible, childbirth in wedlock was close to the heart of God. I personally know a lady Pastor who during her tenure has had many children, and God has used them in mighty ways. Just because a woman is in ministry does not mean that she is not allowed to bear children. It would be different if the woman was not married, then she would be out of line with the word of God!


Come on man you can tell she was talking about unwed Mothers!!!!! Dang! And I agree with her 100% Also what kind of Pastor would have known Gays in ministry at their Church....Id have to question the walk of the pastor.
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Offline pumpitump

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2006, 04:45:17 PM »
this is what i BELIEVE!  i believe that homosexuals coming to church are fine. it just like ill people  going to the doctor to get  a cure for thier illness. they could be looking to change their life and would be a good time to minister to them. now on the other hand homosexuals that doing what they are doing and know what they are doing but are still preaching, on the praise team, or any thing of that nature should be sat down period point blank. but not only that but counseled by the proper person. as well as heterosexul people having premarital relations.
im blessed

Offline PapaRooskie

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2006, 04:47:45 PM »
Everybody sins, and to tell someone that they cannot participate in prasing the lord because they sin is stupid.  Believe it or not I'm sure your pastors have all sined, and will continue to sin until their dying day.  The bible does say homosexuality is a sin, and it also says that judging is also a sin, and in the eyes of God all sins are the same.

And so God shall smeareth the feces of the judgmental against their own faces…thus leaving them to smell the disgust of their own Earthly prejudice. ---- Levitucus 3:12

Offline erictoler

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2006, 07:34:27 PM »
Paparooski, Paparooskie, Paparooskie,
First, I would like to say thanks for your interest and opinon to the poll.  There is much that I would like to share with you. The first is the to opportunity to correct you on the verse that you shared supposedly coming from the WORD of GOD. You misquoted (I hope) Leviticus 3 verse 12. How can you begim to give advice about the character of the Almighty God; One and Only True and Living God, when you cannot quote the scriptures(His Word) correctly? If you cannot quote or attribute the correct information about ANY subject or matter, whether it be paraphrasing, direct quoting, summarizing etc....  then I would heavily consider NOT rendering ANY advise about many subjects, especially those that concern the WORD of GOD!!!!!

The correct verse is as follows: "And if his offering is a goat, then he shall offer it before the Lord." The subject of this chapter is about Peace Offerings.

I hope that you just really badly misquoted the verse, and that YOU are not being fecicious (no pun intended).

Eric Toler
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Offline PapaRooskie

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2006, 07:56:17 PM »
appoligies....should have double checked.....but i hope my point is still well taken

Offline Natasha-praze

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2006, 10:49:08 AM »
Homosexuality should be able to be active in the Church. It is not right to be a homosexual and the Lord doesn't like it.  It doesn't take away that the Lord still Loves that individual regardless. That person should have the desire to change. Under a circustances that a person is not looking to change I don't feel they should be in leadership position. Being active in some ministries will help them to change. Singing in the choir is okay but leading the choir or the ministry can be a problem. How can you lead a ministry when you have a problem that you are no where trying to fix.


Offline dayspring

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2006, 12:30:40 AM »
The way this topic is handled by the church always reminds me of that tricky question posed by a 4-yr old to a parent: "where do babies come from?" the easiest responses (i.e.-mommy's tummy) provides an answer but not really a complete answer. later in the individual's journey, if elements do not arrive that cause arrested development, the answer will hopefully unfold.

the responses to homosexuality, particularly when handled by the black church (not all but we do stand accused), reeks of arrested development spiritually, morally, theologically, biblically, emotionally, socially and above all--intellectually. my prayer is that we will one day come to appreciate not only the content of the word of God but the context of the word of God. that requires a lifetime of doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.  and as we learn the beauty of God's gifts of grace, salvation and free will extended to the entire tapestry of God's diverse creation the doors of the church will freely and lovingly swing open to "whosoever will."

we tend to "believe what we believe" but be challenged (don't believe every spirit but try the spirit). i challenge you to read the book: "Where the Edge Gathers" by Bishop Yvette Flunder. it is a critical look at such a question as the one posed in this survey....shalom


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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2006, 05:41:37 AM »
My sister was an active homosexual who loved God and shot herself in the head November 3, 2003.  Zenovia was a beautiful spirit who was not allowed to come to church and have the same experience as other people caught up in different sins.  If we really want to help people, really, we will pray for them period.  Obviously, if someone is actively homosexual, they are not ready to give up that lifestyle yet.  We need to realize that this situation is most difficult for the homosexual person.  The last thing we want is anyone to die in sin.  Let us remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it shall eat its fruit-Proverbs 18:21.  Rest in peace my precious and only sister.  The real musician in the family.  Please forgive us for we knew not what we were doing.  I love you forever.

Offline lumbebear1

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Re: Active Homosexuality Within the Church
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2006, 06:49:49 AM »
My sister was an active homosexual who loved God and shot herself in the head November 3, 2003.  Zenovia was a beautiful spirit who was not allowed to come to church and have the same experience as other people caught up in different sins.  If we really want to help people, really, we will pray for them period.  Obviously, if someone is actively homosexual, they are not ready to give up that lifestyle yet.  We need to realize that this situation is most difficult for the homosexual person.  The last thing we want is anyone to die in sin.  Let us remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it shall eat its fruit-Proverbs 18:21.  Rest in peace my precious and only sister.  The real musician in the family.  Please forgive us for we knew not what we were doing.  I love you forever.

That was an awesome and brave word you shared sista'. God bless you

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