I live in Atlanta, which is home to one of the largest gay black male communities, even in the church. There are churches where the gay men literally seem to congregate. They seem to all travel in the same circuit, which also happens to be the same circuit that sings with, plays for, or leads the more popular local gospel groups in Atlanta. These are the ones who are at every concert, every midnight musical, every preachin, and in the church everytime the doors swing open. As ridiculous as that all sounds, guess what? The same backbiters, whoremungers, liars, cheaters, smokers, drinkers, etc. are also at many of these same functions (myself included). And I would be willing to bet that there are some heterosexual preachers, deacons, choir/praise team members, church officers, and musicians, who sin more than some of those homosexuals do. So who gets to sit them down? The Pastor? So does that mean that he's without sin? Cause I know mine surely isn't, and most other ones I know to. So then who sits the pastor down? Exactly. Let God do what God does best. Leave the correcting to Him and let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters, pastors, etc. Who knows, when God delivers them, they might be a testimony to somebody else who is going through the same thing. But because some sinner whose lying wasn't as bad as their homosexuality decided that they needed to be sat down, they got offended, left the church, and is now no longer interested in worshipping with hypocrites. (please understand the sarcasm, but get the point)