First let me say that I am slender,

Seriously though....
Truth be told most drummers use the wrong size stick for their hand dimensions. With proper grip technique and understanding of fulcrum and rebound you can use anysize stick within reason.
Because most sticks are around 16"-16".75" long it tends to leave the deciding factors of bead, weight distribution and diameter. The bigger the hand the bigger the diameter and the longer the stick should be. I am more comfortable with longer sticks 16.75" - 17.25" even 17.5" Alex Van Halens (Regal Tip). I have fairly big hands//long fingers that are strong. I can play drumset with Ralph Hardimans need be... I use Vater Fatback 3As most times I play and , Virgi l Donati Assaults, DSK David Silveras, Night Sticks when I am playing hard. Lately I have been using Trueline 5B to relax my grip (They are way light for my taste though). I may bump up to th Danny Carey - Vic Firth stick. For smooth jazz/quiet church I am currently playing hickory sweet rides from Vater.
Diameter wise I like .555 - .625.
Also if you have strong hands you want to go with a larger diameter stick so that your grip remains loose.
The bigger you hands /stronger your hands you need a longer stick to account for the balance/levarage being in the proper place.