thank you bigsid this whole topic is funny ya'll doin all this arguing about thomas but do you think he cares I dont think so I mean im not cappin on nobodys opinion but all you can do is pray for him,talking bout him and shootin him down just because of his myspace page aint gon help like bigsid said just pray for the dude cause you never know what he's goin thru and I know we are all guilty of some wrong things we have done in life so just pray for him cause com on lets be real here all of us on here aint always been christians. i mean all this stuff ya'll saying about him I bet wont none of ya'll write him on his myspace page and tell him I mean if ya'll really think he needs help write him and see how he doin tell him you are there for him if he needs someone to talk to I think that would be better than just talking bout his problems on here.