Yeah bradley keep em coming. Here's some that we do.
I Just Came to Magnify (Bishop Clarence McClendon)
The Lord is Blessing Me (Bishop Larry Trotter???)
Come Thou Almighty King (Timothy Wright)
Everybody Clap Your Hands (Joshua's Troop) this is really good for youth
I have more too, just let me know..
Come Thou Almighty King is right up there with All Hail King Jesus as far as praise songs go. I love it.
What about:
Let's just praise the Lord (Bishop T.D. Jakes)
We Magnify Your Name (Stephen Hurd, 'Call to Worship')
Look Where He's Brought Me From (Bishop Dennis Leonard, 'Everybody Ought to Know')
Let it Rise (Stephen Hurd's version, 'Call to Worship')
High and Lifted Up (Joe Pace, 'Sunday Morning Service')
If I can think of others, I'll let you know.