I know that the Praise and Worship movement is sweeping across the nation, but sometimes you just have to take it back.
I am wondering what are the devotional songs that were popular back in the day. For me, back in the day was the 80's, but you can go even farther back than that. I mostly play for an older congregation, and I know they sometimes appreciate some music from their past, and I want to remember some of those foot stomping songs from when I was a kid. Some of them might deserve a remix!!
I will start the list off with some I can name off of the top of my head:
Jesus is on the Main Line
Glory, Glory Hallelujah
Can't nobody do me like Jesus
Get right church and lets go home
I am on the Battlefield
I will trust in the Lord
This is just a few that I can think of offhand.... what are some others?