I've always wanted to learn to play gospel piano, because gospel/jazz is my love. I always knew it was just too hard to learn, but I heard a song on TV One and decided to see if I could find any gospel chords, licks that I could just try out. So, I googled and I'm happy with the results that led me here and to other great sites. As far as the keyboard, I know my Major scales and chords, except flats, but I'm getting there.
My main axe is the saxophone. I currently play at my church, which is mainly Praise and Worship (Hillsongs, little Fred Hammond, and Israel type stuff), and while I am learning to minister and flow with my praise and worship team, I've been desiring to get into a gospel/jazz feel. I believe working with the keys will even take my sax playing to a new level. I know I am called to minister musically, and I've got a late start, I'm currently 20, but my vision is bigger than I see myself being able to do on my own, but I know I'm not on my own.

. Well I just wanted to first say hello to everyone. I also am trying to learn the bass, mainly just find the root tones by ear and play along, guitar (know a few chords), sax like mentioned, and greatly want to be able to play gospel chords, licks, etc. I have a Yamaha PSR225 keyboard at the moment and will upgrade later on this year as I progress.
I have a little music theory knowledge, where do you think I should start? I was looking at the Jermaine's site, which looks very promising and not bad for $55... would this be a good start?
I can't even begin to express my happiness to find a community that is on the same page that I am.
Greetings and blessings to you all,
J. Broadway