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Author Topic: Scared to death of singing in choir  (Read 4851 times)

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:57:00 PM »
Hello Saints,  I'm new on this site, so I am still trying to get a feel for things.  I have a problem (now that I admit it may be a problem).  I have been singing as long as I remember.  In High School, I even sang in a choir for 2 yrs.  One thing I've never done, and am so afraid of doing for some reason is singing in my church's choir.

I don't know if it's fear of sounding bad, fear of commitment (showing up to every rehearsal & on time), or if it goes deeper than that.  I had a very bad experiece in a church when I was young (racial discrimination).  Let's just say, my parents made a mistake and did not check out that church b4 bringing me.  After that, it took several years for me to even see churches in a positive light.  To this day, I don't feel comfortable in a church that has a white pastor or a majority white congregation.  Sad, I know.  I go to church now, I'm over that part.  There's just one more hump I can't seem to get over; joining the choir.  It seems like EVERY Sunday, the pastor's wife or someone else from the choir or one of the ushers is urging me to join.  Certain people kind of spread the word about my voice (I guess winning a talent show 3 years in a row and being in the newspaper didn't help, either) so now the word is out.  

I feel like my fear is that I won't be good enough for the choir.  Or, that I might be uncomfortable because of my past sins, like I'm punishing myself.  I keep trying to tell myself that Satan doesn't want me to join, and that's why I'm afraid.  My Lord doesn't give us the spirit of fear.  I'm still afraid, and I can't make it go away.  What do I do?  (sorry so long!)

Offline sjonathan02

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 08:40:30 AM »
You must sing because of the fear. That's the only way to handle a fear of any kind, in my opinion.

I can get nervous, even while in choir rehearsal now, thinking that I'm not good enough or because I can't do the now-popular runs like everyone else, but you know what.....as long as God is pleased, then it doesn't matter.

How do I know He's pleased? There's a peace that comes over me when I'm singing and I'm not thinking about anyone else but He who is able. I love that place.

Find your place in Him, sister. He gave you your gift, now it's time for you to share it with Him....everyone else just gets to listen.

Be Blessed,
Despite our communication technology, no invention is as effective as the sound of the human voice.

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 12:15:35 PM »
What about the subject that Missmusic04 made "Should people who sin sing in the choir?", if she and all the people who responded to her think that way, how can I NOT be afraid?  No one knows what I've done (except me and God) but knowing that other "church folk" feel that way about sinners like me makes me not want to get involved in church (or at least the people) at all.  You see what I mean?  

I normally don't let other people's thoughts about me control what I do, but it's not the people's thoughts, it's my OWN thoughts about me.  Reading Missmusic's subject didn't help the fear, either.  I guess it's kind of hard to explain.  The only way I can describe it is like, dread.  A feeling of dread comes over me when people ask me to join the choir.  Dread, and fear overwhelm me.

Offline sjonathan02

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 03:38:41 PM »
Quote from: Pajarita
What about the subject that Missmusic04 made "Should people who sin sing in the choir?", if she and all the people who responded to her think that way, how can I NOT be afraid?  No one knows what I've done (except me and God) but knowing that other "church folk" feel that way about sinners like me makes me not want to get involved in church (or at least the people) at all.  You see what I mean?  

I normally don't let other people's thoughts about me control what I do, but it's not the people's thoughts, it's my OWN thoughts about me.  Reading Missmusic's subject didn't help the fear, either.  I guess it's kind of hard to explain.  The only way I can describe it is like, dread.  A feeling of dread comes over me when people ask me to join the choir.  Dread, and fear overwhelm me.

Why do you dread? You haven't done anything that God hasn't forgiven you for already. The Bible says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Church folk who want to judge are afraid of their own mess; that's why they talk about others.

Be Blessed, watchful and prayerful
Despite our communication technology, no invention is as effective as the sound of the human voice.

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2005, 03:09:41 AM »

I just read through your mail and feel i should make some contributions.

I think it is not just people telling you to Join the chior but God (for it is God that work in us but to will and to do of his good pleasure)

God is not looking for holy people to serve him but when will start to serve him he will make us holy but this does not come automatic it is process. This has to do with our cooperating with him.

I had the fear of joining my choir more than two years ago because I felt my life was not in shape. I wanted to set everything right before joining but sometime you can never set everything right yourself.It was just the trick of the devil from stoping me for using my talent for God.

But now i can say since i have joined the choir there is a big difference i cannot feel comfotable with some of my old friends who are always talking of clubs ,sex etc. Infact i hardly see them any more.
Now i am occupying my mind with other things.

when i try to do something wrong outside I always think twice(Every body know my in this church because when i came in i was filling a very big space in the chior.
There was a time i went to the club the place was full of smoke the music and the atmospere was not so comfortable and i was afried that somebody that know me in the church could see me there.So since then I have never been to such places again.
There is one thing i learn about God and that is :CHANGE YOUR POSITION AND GOD WILL CHANGE THE SITUATION .

As long as one is always in the mist  of bad friends and you did not let them know you stand .It is just like a sed is falling on a rocky ground(the word of God) so we can not bear fruit for God.
I hope this help
I look forward to your reponds.
Have a nice day

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2005, 03:10:32 AM »

I just read through your mail and feel i should make some contributions.

I think it is not just people telling you to Join the chior but God (for it is God that work in us but to will and to do of his good pleasure)

God is not looking for holy people to serve him but when will start to serve him he will make us holy but this does not come automatic it is process. This has to do with our cooperating with him.

I had the fear of joining my choir more than two years ago because I felt my life was not in shape. I wanted to set everything right before joining but sometime you can never set everything right yourself.It was just the trick of the devil from stoping me for using my talent for God.

But now i can say since i have joined the choir there is a big difference i cannot feel comfotable with some of my old friends who are always talking of clubs ,sex etc. Infact i hardly see them any more.
Now i am occupying my mind with other things.

when i try to do something wrong outside I always think twice(Every body know my in this church because when i came in i was filling a very big space in the chior.
There was a time i went to the club the place was full of smoke the music and the atmospere was not so comfortable and i was afried that somebody that know me in the church could see me there.So since then I have never been to such places again.
There is one thing i learn about God and that is :CHANGE YOUR POSITION AND GOD WILL CHANGE THE SITUATION .

As long as one is always in the mist  of bad friends and you did not let them know you stand .It is just like a sed is falling on a rocky ground(the word of God) so we can not bear fruit for God.
I hope this help
I look forward to your reponds.
Have a nice day

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2005, 03:44:23 PM »
Sabby, that's the thing; I don't have a lot of friends.  The ones I do have don't go to clubs.  They don't smoke cigarettes, but we are all young, none are married, and two of them have children with girlfriends.  These are people who have known me for a long time and have been proven to be trustworthy to me.  One of them goes to church (and is from another country).  She didnt' speak English when she came here, but she STILL went to church and she had her little Bible en espaņol with her and just followed along as best she could listening to the #'s the pastor called out.  Cute, huh?  

I don't feel any of these people pull me into negative situations because we don't hang out much.  We are mostly split up (since most are military).  These temptations I'm fighting are brought on soley by flesh and my own mind.

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2005, 04:47:10 PM »
Can i ask what your passions are?
What do you like doing most? how do you spend your free time ?(outside work or school)There is a place in the bible that say where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.I have my reasons for asking

Sometime it is not easy to say much or help when one donīt have enough information.

I had taught we had a simlilar experience hence my telling you about mine.
If you can answer the question above maybe i can give some advice.
hope to hear from you soon
Have a nice day!

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2005, 05:04:28 PM »
I just read your mail again from the information i have from that mail ,except you have something more to say, i would say that there is no sin too big for God to forgive i donīt think your sins were bigger than mine i cannot tell you here all. But one thing i know when God Forgive he forget and who am i to remember them.

I know you could be Afried if you can meet up with all the commitment that could be required in the chior .But  one thing i know is that God is not looking for qualified people .moses in the bible was not qualified. One reason for this is that :We shouldnīt boast and say that it is by our strength.For we can do all things only through christ that strenghtens us.

We only have to make the step of faith and leave the rest for God.

We should stop listening to what people are saying and start listening to what God is saying .

I hope this have helped if not you are free to let me know.

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2005, 11:28:00 PM »
In my spare time, Oversabby, I guess I sing, read, or write alot.  I write songs usually when I'm feeling inspired.  I have a notebook full of unfinished songs.  Some I wrote when I was about 15 years old.  I spend a lot of time watching music channels, too.  BET, when it's not just the rap stuff they're playing.  I like Alicia Keys, Toni Braxton, India Arie, Kelly Price, Mariah Carey, and Destiny's Child.  I also like the Winan's fam, Yolanda, and Mary/Mary.  Oh, yeah, and Ruben Studdard has a real nice Gospel album out along with his debut album.  I like them both.  

Music is just in me in many different ways.  I'm always humming or trying to re-do a song in my head or in my private time (at home).  My two favorite things in the world are music and motorcycles.

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2005, 12:01:44 PM »
So you have to join the choir very soon

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2005, 01:20:49 PM »
LOL!  I'm working on building up my nerves, I promise!   :)

Offline Andrel

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2006, 08:06:13 AM »


Overcome your fear with faith!  Have faith that God knows what is best for you!  Give the Lord control of your life; through him all things are possible!  Don't continue to delay, join the choir ASAP!  Once done you will rejoice and have a testimony about the greatness of overcoming the illusions you once felt about being a member of a choir.

Fear is used when Satan wants to keep us in bondage and our minds confused so we will not obey God's instructions.

Let me know how you feel after you have joined.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

Offline Jbroad572

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2006, 09:16:22 AM »
Quote from: Pajarita
 My two favorite things in the world are music and motorcycles.

Slightly OT: Do you ride?


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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2006, 12:05:57 PM »
I can feel what you are saying. There are certain things that I want to do in the music ministry but feelings of insecurity or rejection or some of the other type keep trying to take over me. But I am working on removing that out of my life. Events in the past have also gripped me and made me have certain feelings when it comes to certain tasks.

I have these feelings that people are going to be negative or that something negative will happen. I encourage you to seek God and if God gives you the signs that it's time to get in the choir, you have to go regardless of what people, your feelings, or yourself is saying.

Remember, no weapon (the white church issue) formed against you shall prosper.

Offline Pajarita

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2006, 10:40:29 PM »
Quote from: Jbroad572
Quote from: Pajarita
 My two favorite things in the world are music and motorcycles.

Slightly OT: Do you ride?

Yes, I do.

Offline oversabby

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Scared to death of singing in choir
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2006, 11:24:01 PM »
Hello pajarita!!
Sometimes we donīt have to force it but wait for Godīs perfect timming.
And sometimes we mayeven be in the wrong place for our gift.
And other times we have to move:take a step of faith.
Let God direct you through inward conviction of what to do.
Have a nice day!
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