It was interesting because the other two songs were fine but when we came to "open the eyes of my heart" the 1st keyboard player didnt know the song as well as i do so i was kinda leeding it. SO i had to lead on 2nd keys and the song is in when we had finished the chorus the person leadin worship either didnt know that bit or she couldnt sing it in that key...........she stopped the song, and then we started in another key :roll: .............she stopped again...............then she started the song AND SHE STILL COULDNT SING IT :roll: so she was like........"no.........not today..........not ever.............not unto god' and i didnt really understand why she sed not unto anyways she started another song......................and she stopped again :roll: and started another song without letting the musicians know and then shes like "i changed the song!!" i was so cheesed off i just stopped playing until she knew what she was that was an expierience but i do feel sorry for her because its her second time leading worship and shes not very expierienced and she must have been embarrased....oh yeah you could see the face of dissaproval on the pastor's face.