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Author Topic: Here is "If I Tell God" Kurt Carr  (Read 6702 times)

Offline T-Block

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Here is "If I Tell God" Kurt Carr
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:53:32 AM »
Someone requested this song earlier and it is one of my favorite songs right now.  So here is MY version of it:

"If I Tell God" by Kurt Carr (One Church album Track #11)
Key Bb  LH/RH

low Bb (2x) / *F-Bb-D *optional chord not on CD
low Bb (2x) / *G-C-Eb *optional chord not on CD

low Bb (2x)

Verse part 1:

I will trust
low Bb (2x) in God
To supply
low Bb (2x) my needs
He'll come through
low Bb (2x) for me
If I just
low Bb (2x) believe
If I pray
low Bb (2x) in faith
Then I will
low Bb (2x) receive
If I tell
low D God about my
low Eb problem He'll
low F work it out for me
(repeat from beginning)

Verse part 1 again:

I will trust
low Bb (2x) in God
To supply
low Bb (2x) my needs
He'll come through
low Bb (2x) for me
If I just
low Bb (2x) believe
If I pray
low Bb (2x) in faith
Then I will
low Bb (2x) receive


If I tell
D / F-Bb-D God about my
Eb / G-Bb-Eb problem He'll
F / Bb-Eb-F-G work it out
For me
C / G-Bb-Eb
D / A-C-F
Eb / Bb-D-F
G / G-Bb-Eb
A / A-C-F
Bb / Bb-D-F

Modulate to C:

D / A-C-F
E / B-D-G
F / C-E-G
A / A-C-F
B / B-D-G
C / C-E-G I will
F / A-C-F trust in
E / G-C-E God to su-
B / D-G-B pply my
C / E-G-C need, He'll come
F / A-C-F through for
E / G-C-E me if I
B / D-G-B just be-
C / E-G-C lieve, if I
F / A-C-F pray in
E / G-C-E faith then I
E / G-C-E will
G# / F-G#-B-D re-
A / G-A-C-E ceive
*A / G-A-C-E   *hit chord


If I tell
E / G-C-E God about my
F / A-C-F problem He'll
G / A-C-F-G work it out
For me
D / A-C-F
E / B-D-G
F / C-E-G
A / A-C-F
B / B-D-G
C / C-E-G

Verse part 2:

No more
G / B-D-G
A / C-E-A
B / D-G-B
C / E-G-C
D / F-A-D
E / G-C-E
No more
G / B-D-G
A / C-E-A
B / D-G-B
C / E-G-C
D / F-A-D
E / G-C-E
No more
G / B
F / A
E / G#
*A / G-A-C-E ing   *hit chord


If I tell
E / G-C-E God about my
F / A-C-F problem He'll
G / A-C-F-G work it out
For me
D / A-C-F
E / B-D-G
F / C-E-G
A / A-C-F
B / B-D-G
C / C-E-G

Modulate to Db:

Eb / Bb-Db-Gb
F / C-Eb-Ab
Gb / Db-F-Ab
Bb / Bb-Db-Gb
C / C-Eb-Ab
Db / Db-F-Ab
No more crying
No more worrying
No more struggl-
*Bb / Ab-Bb-Db-F ing   *hit chord


If I tell
F / F-Ab-Db God about my
Gb / Gb-Bb-Db problem
A / Eb-Gb-A-C
Bb / F-Bb-Db If
Bb / F-Bb-Db I
C / Gb-C-Eb tell
Db / Ab-Db-F
F / F-Ab-Db God about my
Gb / Gb-Bb-Db problem
*A / Eb-Gb-A-C If    *hold slightly longer
Bb / F-Bb-Db I
C / Gb-C-Eb tell
Db / Ab-Db-F

Modulate to D:

F# / F#-A-D God about my
G / G-B-D problem
Bb / E-G-Bb-Db
B / F#-B-D If
B / F#-B-D I
C# / G-C#-E tell
D / A-D-F#
F# / F#-A-D God about my
G / G-B-D problem
*Bb / E-G-Bb-Db If   *hold slightly longer
B / F#-B-D I
C# / G-C#-E tell
D / A-D-F#

Modulate to Eb:

G / G-Bb-Eb God about my
Ab / Ab-C-Eb problem
B / F-Ab-B-D
C / G-C-Eb If
C / G-C-Eb I
D / Ab-D-F tell
Eb / Bb-Eb-G
G / G-Bb-Eb God about my
Ab / Ab-C-Eb problem
*B / F-Ab-B-D If   *hold slightly longer
C / G-C-Eb I
D / Ab-D-F tell
Eb / Bb-Eb-G

G / Bb-Eb-G God about my
Ab / C-Eb-Ab problem He'll
Bb / C-Eb-Ab-Bb work it out
For me


F / C-Eb-Ab
G / D-F-Bb
Ab / Eb-G-Bb
For me
Ab / Eb-G-C
G / D-F-Bb
F / C-Eb-Ab  *3rd time around go to next part
He's working it out
F / C-Eb-Ab
G / D-F-Bb
Ab / Eb-G-Bb
For me
Ab / Eb-G-C
G / D-F-Bb
F / C-Eb-Ab
He's working
*C / D-F-Bb it out *hit chord and hold

Modulate to E:

He's working it out
F# / C#-E-A
G# / D#-F#-B
A / E-G#-B
For me
A / E-G#-C#
G# / D#-F#-B
F# / C#-E-A   *2nd time around go to next part
He's working it out
F# / C#-E-A
G# / D#-F#-B
A / E-G#-B
For me
A / E-G#-C#
G# / D#-F#-B
F# / C#-E-A
He's working
*C# / D#-F#-B it out  *hit chord and hold

Modulate to F:

He's working it out
G / D-F-Bb
A / E-G-C
Bb / F-A-C
For me
Bb / F-A-D
A / E-G-C
G / D-F-Bb
He's working it out
G / D-F-Bb
A / E-G-C
Bb / F-A-C
For me
Bb / F-A-D
A / E-G-C
G / D-F-Bb
He's working
*D / E-G-C it out *hit chord and hold


If I tell
A / A-C-F God about my
Bb / Bb-D-F problem He'll
C / C-D-F-Bb work it out
For me
G / D-F-Bb
A / E-G-C
Bb / F-A-C
For me
D / D-F-Bb
E / E-G-C
F / F-A-C

Well, that's the whole song.  Listen to the CD to help you with rhythm and timing.  And like I said before this is just MY way of playing this song.  Hope yall enjoy it!!!
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Offline LorenzoS

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Here is "If I Tell God" Kurt Carr
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2005, 03:17:49 PM »
Hey T
thanks for postin this song.....it's my lil girls favorite...mine too!!! and you wrote:
Well, that's the whole song. Listen to the CD to help you with rhythm and timing. And like I said before this is just MY way of playing this song. Hope yall enjoy it!!!

you shouldnt have to put that.......but since anthony dude said somthing....about postin correct chords.... dont stud what he said....I know your post are cool, and they've rocked at my church....and yes i even tell folks about this site...and the folks who post chords  to the latest songs...

thanks again
We can go from Glory to Goofy in a matter of seconds, by not heeding HIS voice. M.G. Blankenship

Offline T-Block

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Here is "If I Tell God" Kurt Carr
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2005, 01:36:57 PM »
i know what u saying.  u know some people like to trip cuz it don't sound 100% correct, so i got to tell them it is my version so they can't say "oh u didn't play so and so right, or u missed this part."  i just don't want to hear they mouth.  i will keep the posts coming, believe it or not!
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline LorenzoS

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Here is "If I Tell God" Kurt Carr
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2005, 01:44:47 PM »
But still you shouldnt have to  put that...cuz if anyone wants to trip bout how it sounds....the real question to be asked is.....Are they posting chords to songs? and at the request rate that the songs come in.....people are lucky someone heard their request anyway...thats just my opinion though....

thanks a bunch
We can go from Glory to Goofy in a matter of seconds, by not heeding HIS voice. M.G. Blankenship
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