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can Christians listen to secular music?

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Author Topic: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)  (Read 9496 times)

Offline psychopianoman

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Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2006, 04:15:15 PM »
Quote from: Scales27
What you said about 80-90% of the songs on the radio, OK, I was really going to say that 85% of the songs are bad but that wouldn't help my argument. I listen to CD's anyway. I very seldom listen to the radio because I have to keep changing stations, I don't listen to certain kinds of songs and I don't like radio commercials.
    I must ask you, are you saying that listening to any kind of secular music is a weight? If you are, then I cannot agree with you. Most secular songs are a weight. Especially the songs of my generation. Some secular songs, however, may actually help Christains with there walk with Christ. Of course this is totally dependant on how the person responds to it. Lets say a Christain woman slips up and haves sex and discovers that she's pregnant and is so ashamed that she is considering abortion to cover it up. Maybe Nick Cannon's songs, "Can I live" can minister to her and give her the strength to keep her baby, and thus not sin further by killing it, and by not sinning that second time she is closer to GOD for making the right decision. GOD can use anybody to speak to someone, but nobody can do the full will of GOD without first accepting him into his life.
   Now that we've gotten on the same page pretty much, this isn't much of a debate. It's become a discussion, which is good. Not as fun as a debate but is good. I hope and pray that you get through whatever has been bothering you. If you don't agree with anything I just said then we can draw it out a little longer. If not then I'm sure we'll "face off" again.

No not all secular songs are a weight, for a married couple some good clean love songs can build their relationship and bring growth, I listen to classical music and piano players they call new age which is a highly misunderstood word in the musical world. I choose to stay away from secular music with words becouse it usually goes sour in the first few seconds.

Gad will use whatever He must to reach us especially when we fall and are in sin but it is not the best for us. We can not justify those moments and make it ok all the time, in that situation God will speak to you through whoever He must but we must know that there is a better way. Read this passage for an idea of what we can and can't do.

1 Corinthians 6:12-15

12All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

 13Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

 14And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

 15Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

Here is one last scripture you can read for yourself, it is long so I did not post it here but you have to read this, every once in a while I will read this for a good laugh, the message is powerfull but it is funny what happens. Her it is; read it and let me know what you think.

Numbers 22:1-49 (King James Version)

I like the KJV version the best for this passage, God will use anything but we should not make Him go that far.

Offline lilbud2

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Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2006, 10:59:24 PM »
I agree with scales 27.  I feel exactly the same way as you.  I like all types of music.  I love God and Gospel music, but when I landed a job as a high school, black show band director, I began to listen to more secular music.  Not to backslide, but my students began to bring me songs that they wanted to play.  I wrote the music for my band, therefore, I had to listen to some songs hundreds of times to get all the parts.  After hearing them so often, I realized that I liked them and liked hearing my band play them.  I don't think this made me any less of a christian.  So is it wrong to listen to a band playing secular songs??

Offline psychopianoman

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Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2006, 01:22:34 AM »
Quote from: lilbud2
I agree with scales 27.  I feel exactly the same way as you.  I like all types of music.  I love God and Gospel music, but when I landed a job as a high school, black show band director, I began to listen to more secular music.  Not to backslide, but my students began to bring me songs that they wanted to play.  I wrote the music for my band, therefore, I had to listen to some songs hundreds of times to get all the parts.  After hearing them so often, I realized that I liked them and liked hearing my band play them.  I don't think this made me any less of a christian.  So is it wrong to listen to a band playing secular songs??

Me and scales27 were having a debate nothing more but in my opinion there are many, many scriptures that teach us to stay away from the appearance of evil and to prepare our selves by the renewing of the mind. We can not be all that God wants us to be with secular words buried in our head. We are told to hide Gods word in our heart not the words of the world. To play plain old music that is without a message is as harmless as me playing the moonlight sonata but if you are playing music that has bad words in it then that is a different story.

Maybe you did not read all my post, the main thing I see as bad in secular music are the words, not the music. Messages hold power, they are what inform and persuade and corrupt so we have to be sure we are keeping our minds pure by filtering what goes into them. Words are more powerful than we realize. You could do a whole study on that in the Bible and make a book out of it.

Read all the previous postings and the scriptures that are listed and make a decision. I am not here to to make you think like me but to inform people with what the word states. The Word of God has power, not me. I can convince no man but the word of God can make a person new and give them power to change.

In the future I will get on here even more and debate issues like these because they help me in my study of the Word and I am taking more classes this semester so I will be looking to practice writing even more. I may even take the side I am against just to find the weak points in my true belief. Me and scales were just having fun.

My advise is this; anyone that wants answers read these books of the Bible and you will have your answers. Proverbs, ecclesiastes, and psalms. Read them daily and go through them all a few times and you will begin to see something. These books are full of wisdom and God said wisdom is better than gold. I would gladly take my weight in wisdom over that of gold. Wisdom from God is amazing, it will make you see things like you have never seen them before. Life changing truth, check em out and see for yourself. The key is to read them in bulk, chunks at a time, daily for 2 or 3 months. Let God see that you want something from Him.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2006, 02:12:40 AM »
just to highlight something from that long, paragraphless post that I did six months ago, can you answer these questions, just for ex., I'm only making a case for love songs w/out provocative lyrics

1. If a friend told you about how much he loved someone, would you listen?

2. Do you listen to and/read love poetry that is not gospel?

3. Do you listen to Jazz, Classical piano, or any other wordless peices of music?

1-   If you've answered yes to #1, then love songs can't be much worse because love poetry is only expression in verse, instead of the prose that people normally talk in. If your friend spoke only in verse like Shakespearean characters, you would be listening to love poetry w/out the title. (and then see #2)

2-   If you've answered yes to #2, then you are, in a sense, listening to a love song w/out the beat, as most love song's lyrics are written before the music is added.

3-   If you've answered yes to #3, then you should know that jazz is often based off of love songs (unless you meant gospel jazz), and is thus a secular peice. If you listen to classical music, then you should realize that many classical songs have the same purpose as many love songs do, and therefore was not made to the glory of GOD, so if secular music is a sin, then listening to secular peices is sinful too.

If you've answered no to all questions then you are very firm in your veiw of secular music and I admire your dedication to it (and also cannot persuade you)

Your rating system is a little off.  First, Jazz has many different forms, so to conclude that a jazz song is a love song is too encompassing.  Also with music we must examine it in terms of both the music and the lyrics.  Relative to the music, jazz takes has a lot of it's roots from the church. It is moving and evokes feelings.  Look at the basis of Ray Charles' best selling music--a derivative of Church music.  (I know Ray wouldn't be classified as a jazz artist, but I hope you see my point).  Music and song is something that belongs to God.  Genesis speaks of the first song when the angels and stars sang praises to God's on his great creation.  Personnaly, I feel that it is our music that has been pilfered, so why should I run away from it.  And for those who have comments on the "seculari sound" of contemprary church music, what's wrong with taking back what was ours to begin with. Plus by definitition, it the music is religious in nature, it can't be classified as secular!!  At best, its just a form of church music that's not pleasing to you.

Regarding Classical music you are again grouping too many different things together.  Many classical pieces have no words and were written as exercise pieces, so how can you generalize and say they are based on love songs.  Secondly,  quick research reveals that many of the classical composers made their living off of writing commissioned masses, requiems and other works for the Church.  Though primary the Catholic Church, for God's House nontheless.  Through the years, their origin may have been lost, and even used in today's commercials, but does that  make them secular?  Also,  If you open a Hymn book find Joyful, Joyful, We adore Thee,  Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken or Hark The Voice of Jesus Is Calling , you will see that Mozart wrote the music for all three.  Someone later on came along added their words, and turned it ito a hymn.  Not to mention how many songs in the Hymn books are sung to the tune of an old irish melody.  Should these songs be abolished from the hymn books?

I am a lover of good clean music regardless of the genre, and feel that even secular artists can sing gospel songs.  Their songs may be an expression of a supressed spirit within them seeking to get out, and although some may think that they are using God to make money,  I'd like those same folks to consider that fact that it is them who is really being used.  Used by God to spread words of his goodness, love and providence to those who don't go to church, who don't have a religious foundation, and who might not otherwise recieve or be receptive to hearing the messages contained in the songs. 

As you survey the new testament, Jesus always attracted people by what they could identify with. With the fishermen Peter, James and John, it was through fishing and telling them they could become fishers of men.  With the farming types, he told parables about the mustard seed, the fig tree, and so on.  You see, Jesus though never compromising his mission nor his purpose, always met the people on their level.  If to be a Christian is to be Christ-like, is there anything wrong with following one of the models that he used?  Let's get ourselves out of the Church and more into the lost massess and be less sanctimonious about what a "good" christian should or shouldn't do and be about winning souls on the outside and then bringing them into the Churches.  Finally, if some of us want to so strongly rate (or judge) christians on their music listening tendacies, don't stop at that leisure hobby, we should also include discussions on the the appropiateness of going to plays, seeing the opera, watching sports, etc.   Better yet, let's all become Amish or Menonites and do away with all contact with the outside world!  Oops, please forgive me, I digressed way too far!! 

Anyways, it was a good question and hopefully people on both sides and those sitting on the fence will attempt to understand the responses  in this thread even if at this point in time they don't agree. And please don't let your personal convictions be a judgement pushed onto others.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2006, 03:18:17 AM »
READ THIS!!! I ran the last debate because I was looking for someone to bring up good reasons why listening to secular music is wrong. I want to place my strongest arguments up against theirs so that I can basically debate. Debating is for Christians because it helps them minister to people of other religions. Perhaps even convert them. Its good training. Now for my perspective on sec music. I actually listen to secular music more than gospel music. Not for the words always, sometimes because the beat just sounds good or I like the style of the singer. My perspective on music is this: If you read poetry with the same content, then you should have no problem listening to a song like that. Love poetry and other kinds are not wrong because they are only organized expression. You would listen to a friend talk about how much he loves his girlfriend right? So poetry is no different. Add some instruments and you've got a song. I'm eclectic. I listen to all kinds of music; rap, rock & roll, R&B, gospel, go-go, blues, jazz, country, oldies, spirituals, crunk music, reggae, reggaeton, latin, salsa, greek, inspirational, kids(ok maybe not), and many other kinds. I'm not sure about crunk music and reggaeton because I can't remember the content but, eventually some safe lyrics will accompany those styles (the styles are nice though). I listen to all kinds of music, but almost always look for ways to make a gospel version. The problem with alot of gospel songs is that many are inaccurate, and some that use pop styles try to hard and fail. I give kirk Franklin his Props, he has some good songs. But sometimes he is just corny. I want to see someone make a gospel song that appeals to the world so much that it lives on like the world's songs do. At least get a song on a secular radio station regularly. Smokie Norful has done this (radio) so the gospel message that he preaches is heard. Someone needs to make a song that is just like a worldly song. Songwriters need to stop trying to be cool and hip for the "young people"(I'm 17 if you ask) and just make the songs for the entire audience of music listeners(though everybody won't like every song that everybody else likes). To appeal to a group, make something the way you would if you were one of them, not in hopes that your counterfeit style will be similar but just as good. Anyone who isnt afraid to listen to worldly that writes well try this, listen to a real nice worldly song. Pay attention to how the words are formed, to how the beats moves. Then, change the words to something similar with a message from God in it. Rewrite it over and over. Try to put in as much word as possible. Dont look at it as gospel in worldly form, see it as a worldly song with gospel in it. Rewrite it some more. when you have apolished work, just play the song on the piano or listen to the song. Sing along with your words. See how much you'd like it if you were in the world. How much do you like it?  It is good to listen to worldly music because you can mix appealing styles with your piano playing/song writing. Where do you think contemporary piano playing/gospel came from?
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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2006, 09:11:56 AM »
If the song doesn't exalt Christ I don't Listen to it. Some of these songs carry some serious spirits with them. They just put thoughts in your head. GOspel music will eventuall take over.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2006, 09:13:07 AM »
This is coming from a young man of 18 years old. I see how some of these songs have hypnotic effects on my peers and classmates. A big part of who you are is the music that you listen to

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2006, 05:25:50 PM »
To get something I've never had.... I have to do something I've never done. *Salvation will pay off*

Offline Joshorgan

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2006, 08:09:55 AM »
Between songs, Tye ministered to the saints. He said, “We praise God in church, and will shout and dance as long as the music is going.  However the atmosphere for some of us will change as soon as we sit in the car and turn on the radio. For others, the atmosphere will change as soon as our cell phones ring, with some of these ringers and i-tunes we have put on our phones. You can’t expect to hear all kinds of music and then expect to hear from God.”

This is what Tye Tribbett druning his live recording in Philadelphia,PA last December. I agree with him whole heartedly

Offline Joshorgan

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2006, 08:11:59 AM »
Between songs, Tye ministered to the saints. He said, “We praise God in church, and will shout and dance as long as the music is going.  However the atmosphere for some of us will change as soon as we sit in the car and turn on the radio. For others, the atmosphere will change as soon as our cell phones ring, with some of these ringers and i-tunes we have put on our phones. You can’t expect to hear all kinds of music and then expect to hear from God.”

This is what Tye Tribbett druning his live recording in Philadelphia,PA last December. I agree with him whole heartedly
[sorry about that. This is what Tye Tribbett Said during his live recording. I made some grammar mistakes/quote]

Offline Scales27

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2006, 08:26:47 PM »

Your rating system is a little off.  First, Jazz has many different forms, so to conclude that a jazz song is a love song is too encompassing.  Also with music we must examine it in terms of both the music and the lyrics.  Relative to the music, jazz takes has a lot of it's roots from the church. It is moving and evokes feelings.  Look at the basis of Ray Charles' best selling music--a derivative of Church music.  (I know Ray wouldn't be classified as a jazz artist, but I hope you see my point).  Music and song is something that belongs to God.  Genesis speaks of the first song when the angels and stars sang praises to God's on his great creation.  Personnaly, I feel that it is our music that has been pilfered, so why should I run away from it.  And for those who have comments on the "seculari sound" of contemprary church music, what's wrong with taking back what was ours to begin with. Plus by definitition, it the music is religious in nature, it can't be classified as secular!!  At best, its just a form of church music that's not pleasing to you.

Regarding Classical music you are again grouping too many different things together.  Many classical pieces have no words and were written as exercise pieces, so how can you generalize and say they are based on love songs.  Secondly,  quick research reveals that many of the classical composers made their living off of writing commissioned masses, requiems and other works for the Church.  Though primary the Catholic Church, for God's House nontheless.  Through the years, their origin may have been lost, and even used in today's commercials, but does that  make them secular?  Also,  If you open a Hymn book find Joyful, Joyful, We adore Thee,  Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken or Hark The Voice of Jesus Is Calling , you will see that Mozart wrote the music for all three.  Someone later on came along added their words, and turned it ito a hymn.  Not to mention how many songs in the Hymn books are sung to the tune of an old irish melody.  Should these songs be abolished from the hymn books?

I am a lover of good clean music regardless of the genre, and feel that even secular artists can sing gospel songs.  Their songs may be an expression of a supressed spirit within them seeking to get out, and although some may think that they are using God to make money,  I'd like those same folks to consider that fact that it is them who is really being used.  Used by God to spread words of his goodness, love and providence to those who don't go to church, who don't have a religious foundation, and who might not otherwise recieve or be receptive to hearing the messages contained in the songs. 

As you survey the new testament, Jesus always attracted people by what they could identify with. With the fishermen Peter, James and John, it was through fishing and telling them they could become fishers of men.  With the farming types, he told parables about the mustard seed, the fig tree, and so on.  You see, Jesus though never compromising his mission nor his purpose, always met the people on their level.  If to be a Christian is to be Christ-like, is there anything wrong with following one of the models that he used?  Let's get ourselves out of the Church and more into the lost massess and be less sanctimonious about what a "good" christian should or shouldn't do and be about winning souls on the outside and then bringing them into the Churches.  Finally, if some of us want to so strongly rate (or judge) christians on their music listening tendacies, don't stop at that leisure hobby, we should also include discussions on the the appropiateness of going to plays, seeing the opera, watching sports, etc.   Better yet, let's all become Amish or Menonites and do away with all contact with the outside world!  Oops, please forgive me, I digressed way too far!! 

Anyways, it was a good question and hopefully people on both sides and those sitting on the fence will attempt to understand the responses  in this thread even if at this point in time they don't agree. And please don't let your personal convictions be a judgement pushed onto others.

Hey, I can't argue against that. You articulated your point effectively. I hadn't looked at the facts of jazz and classical music that you had pointed out. Of course, if I am reading your post correctly, you agree with me, but not with some particular statements that I posted. I also wanted to address what you said about operas and "what not." FINALLY!! Many christains say how wrong it is to listen to secular music, but most of them watch award shows, American idol, operas, plays, sports, scary movies, Apollo, and did I mention American Idol? They do so many other things but "pick on" music because of obvious reasons, but the obvious reasons are not always the the most logical ones. They assume, which the BIBLE says not to do, that since there are some bad secular songs, that all are bad, and that same logic fuels the hatred of black people by racist people. People have to look at more than just face value, and stop judging others based on things that they were simply told. To make sense, always do research for your self.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2006, 08:47:19 PM »
Between songs, Tye ministered to the saints. He said, “We praise God in church, and will shout and dance as long as the music is going.  However the atmosphere for some of us will change as soon as we sit in the car and turn on the radio. For others, the atmosphere will change as soon as our cell phones ring, with some of these ringers and i-tunes we have put on our phones. You can’t expect to hear all kinds of music and then expect to hear from God.”

This is what Tye Tribbett druning his live recording in Philadelphia,PA last December. I agree with him whole heartedly

      First off, you said that secular music has spirits? Who did you hear that from and what evidence did they give you? Look at the post that I just did and read the one I responded to. What evidence do you have on the alleged spirits of other music. Don't "mystify" everything. When people listen to music they like to move with it. IT'S JUST HOW THEY RESPOND TO IT. Some act strange and some just like to chill and enjoy the song (like me! ;D). I never advocated songs that sell sex and songs that make violence look cool. I voted certain kinds of music on the poll because some music is ok and some music is ungodly. Not GODly, however, is not neccessarily ungodly. Just because something doesn't uplift GOD, that doesn't mean that it uplifts Satan, or that GOD doesn't approve. Before you respond, I challenge you to go back and read every previous post so that I will not have to enumerate the fallacies that you may post (there were many in your other too). I challenge you too, allonesound. If ya'll still disagree then I have no problems reiterating the planks of my thesis that not all secular music is bad. I'll debate even if you don't read all of them. Just don't get too emotional, we are family. (LGM family!!)

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2006, 09:53:31 PM »
First off, you said that secular music has spirits? Who did you hear that from and what evidence did they give you? Look at the post that I just did and read the one I responded to. What evidence do you have on the alleged spirits of other music. Don't "mystify" everything. When people listen to music they like to move with it. IT'S JUST HOW THEY RESPOND TO IT. Some act strange and some just like to chill and enjoy the song (like me! ;D). I never advocated songs that sell sex and songs that make violence look cool. I voted certain kinds of music on the poll because some music is ok and some music is ungodly. Not GODly, however, is not neccessarily ungodly. Just because something doesn't uplift GOD, that doesn't mean that it uplifts Satan, or that GOD doesn't approve. Before you respond, I challenge you to go back and read every previous post so that I will not have to enumerate the fallacies that you may post (there were many in your other too). I challenge you too, allonesound. If ya'll still disagree then I have no problems reiterating the planks of my thesis that not all secular music is bad. I'll debate even if you don't read all of them. Just don't get too emotional, we are family. (LGM family!!)

Will do!!!
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Offline Joshorgan

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2006, 07:47:59 AM »
What I'm Trying to say is that this music will just put thoughts in your head. I got the idea from the way my peers and this current generation acts. Everyone at my school walks around wanting to be thugs and such.Most of the conversations at my school are mostly about sex or violence. I do believe that this music has something to do with it.  I agree with you about certain types of music. . All secular music isn't bad. Only classifications I would put would be jazz and classical. All R&B, Rap or secular  love songs. I just can't get with. If you are saved and single why do you need love songs if you are waiting on the lord ???.  I know most people aren't going to agree with me but I can't help it.
I know some young people that listen to jazz and classical music but come on. Do you think most kids my age are listening to doo wop or Mozart? Scales 27 you are right. All types of secular music aren't bad. But the music that isn't bad isn't all that popular. This is how I see it. Many young blacks don't listen to the okay stuff. Most of my peers listen to the bad stuff. We have a computer class together and we all have headphones. I can hear the combination of violence and profanity all through out the room. I have to blast my headphones just to drown it out. ;D
Scales 27 I am glad you started this topic ;D. Your theory is right. Not all secular music isn't bad, but a good bit of it is.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2006, 08:14:06 AM »

Your rating system is a little off.  First, Jazz has many different forms, so to conclude that a jazz song is a love song is too encompassing.  Also with music we must examine it in terms of both the music and the lyrics.  Relative to the music, jazz takes has a lot of it's roots from the church. It is moving and evokes feelings.  Look at the basis of Ray Charles' best selling music--a derivative of Church music.  (I know Ray wouldn't be classified as a jazz artist, but I hope you see my point).  Music and song is something that belongs to God.  Genesis speaks of the first song when the angels and stars sang praises to God's on his great creation.  Personnaly, I feel that it is our music that has been pilfered, so why should I run away from it.  And for those who have comments on the "seculari sound" of contemprary church music, what's wrong with taking back what was ours to begin with. Plus by definitition, it the music is religious in nature, it can't be classified as secular!!  At best, its just a form of church music that's not pleasing to you.

Regarding Classical music you are again grouping too many different things together.  Many classical pieces have no words and were written as exercise pieces, so how can you generalize and say they are based on love songs.  Secondly,  quick research reveals that many of the classical composers made their living off of writing commissioned masses, requiems and other works for the Church.  Though primary the Catholic Church, for God's House nontheless.  Through the years, their origin may have been lost, and even used in today's commercials, but does that  make them secular?  Also,  If you open a Hymn book find Joyful, Joyful, We adore Thee,  Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken or Hark The Voice of Jesus Is Calling , you will see that Mozart wrote the music for all three.  Someone later on came along added their words, and turned it ito a hymn.  Not to mention how many songs in the Hymn books are sung to the tune of an old irish melody.  Should these songs be abolished from the hymn books?

I am a lover of good clean music regardless of the genre, and feel that even secular artists can sing gospel songs.  Their songs may be an expression of a supressed spirit within them seeking to get out, and although some may think that they are using God to make money,  I'd like those same folks to consider that fact that it is them who is really being used.  Used by God to spread words of his goodness, love and providence to those who don't go to church, who don't have a religious foundation, and who might not otherwise recieve or be receptive to hearing the messages contained in the songs. 

As you survey the new testament, Jesus always attracted people by what they could identify with. With the fishermen Peter, James and John, it was through fishing and telling them they could become fishers of men.  With the farming types, he told parables about the mustard seed, the fig tree, and so on.  You see, Jesus though never compromising his mission nor his purpose, always met the people on their level.  If to be a Christian is to be Christ-like, is there anything wrong with following one of the models that he used?  Let's get ourselves out of the Church and more into the lost massess and be less sanctimonious about what a "good" christian should or shouldn't do and be about winning souls on the outside and then bringing them into the Churches.  Finally, if some of us want to so strongly rate (or judge) christians on their music listening tendacies, don't stop at that leisure hobby, we should also include discussions on the the appropiateness of going to plays, seeing the opera, watching sports, etc.   Better yet, let's all become Amish or Menonites and do away with all contact with the outside world!  Oops, please forgive me, I digressed way too far!! 

Anyways, it was a good question and hopefully people on both sides and those sitting on the fence will attempt to understand the responses  in this thread even if at this point in time they don't agree. And please don't let your personal convictions be a judgement pushed onto others.

I know what you are talking about. I don't like the secular music but that doesn't mean that I can't associate with a person. There are too many christians thinking there are too high and mighty to draw in the unsaved. I have many unsaved friends at school. They see  me as a christian example. Most Christians don't realize that everyone has mistakes. I don't like to look down on people. I just don't like secular music and I never have. Maybe it's just me though. I look at sporting events but I think that's a little different. Watching sports is looking at actions. Listening to music  actually puts lyrics in your head. Lyrics tend to stay in your head and generate to thoughts. Then thoughts generate to actions

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2006, 09:09:29 AM »
 Scales 27 you are most definetly right. All secular music isn't bad. I understand your point of view. Christians think if they see someone listening to secular music that they are the devil. That is not true. They have promise in their lives just like we do. We have to learn to show the unsaved love. We shouldn't shun them or talk trash about them. It is all about the Love of Jesus Christ. Be blessed. Sorry for jumping off topic in my earlier posts :'(


Once again be blessed and have a blessed day.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2006, 10:26:11 AM »
This seems to be one of those age-old questions, doesn't it?  There's plenty of Scriptural basis addressing a number of issues that come up with this.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  And particular point was made about how what you put into your spirit has a much more significant and profound effect than what you put into your body.  What you feed your mind and spirit the most is what you will have coming out as the 'abundance'.  We are also called to be discerning and guard our hearts will all diligence.  There is also direction on being aware of where we are and who we are around---sometimes a thing may not be a sin to us, but we must be careful about doing something (like listening to secular music) around other believers who may be fully in faith that all secular music is wrong.  In other words, we're not to be a stumbling block to other believers even if we are fully in faith that we're honoring God by what we're doing.  The key that the Scripture places in all this context is that what we do is in relation to the Lord.  The passage is dealing specifically with what is clean to eat versus unclean, but it also touches on what days to honor, etc., giving us the indication that the principle can be applied to just about anything in our walk.

Now, having said that, I think you can, in fact, listen to some secular music and be faithful.  As has been mentioned already, a great deal of secular music has some tremendously spiritual qualities that the writer may or may not even be aware was present.  My drummer and I have discussions lasting HOURS about this kind of subject---the spiritual aspects of all things.  We've both come to realize that all things have a spiritual message of some time.  Sometimes it's a lesson in what NOT to do and how to discern a particularly evil thing that may be otherwise subtle.  Other times it's a revelation of the very fact that God invented everything we see and experience.  What mankind has done, with the prodding of Satan, has distorted, stolen, hijacked those things and turned them into things that don't honor God, but honor our own selfishness, our carnality.  You look, for example, at a lot of songs that Take 6 has done....remakes of very famous secular songs.  But notice how very easily they were turned into songs that praise God.

Now, I doubt any person who truly has a relationship with Christ can come up with any basis to support listening to songs that talk about accumulating wealth, raping, shooting cops, whatever.  Though the spiritual aspect of those songs can't be denied (they are a lesson in what totally emersion in self, turning away from God, and attempting to fill that Jesus-sized hole with material things does to a person), they end up feeding your mind and spirit with those kinds of thoughts, a barrage of which I defy most Christians to be able to truly take captive (as we are instructed to do).  However, I have often found myself listening to secular songs and hearing some new and interesting things in them.  I'm listening to them with my divine nature and not my carnal one.  By listening that way, I've found some secular songs to be ones that hide a profoundly Godly aspect to them that surprises me.  It doesn't happen all the time, to be sure.  But even though I'm listening for it, it almost always catches me off guard.  When I share what I'm hearing with other believers, they are often surprised as well.  I sometimes think musicians can be much more sensitive to those things than non-musicians. 

It also makes us more vulnerable.  Care must be taken, of that you can be sure.  But I don't think secular music (as a genre) in and of itself is bad or good.  It is what it is.  It's music.  God created music.  God ordained music for a purpose, and created us with the capacity to not only create it, but to be influenced by it---for bad or for good.  We are responsible to discern.  Listen with the right ears.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2006, 01:26:49 PM »
. While listening to secular music may sound good to certain types of people it opens the door for all kinds of things to enter into your head. Let me tell you something folks.What you listen to your actions will reflect it. Music is more than just a sound. Music is a culture. It embodies the way people talk, act, think and etc. It has a very stong effect on you. I'll give you an example. At church when a person hits a note on the organ that you really like. What do you do. You begin to dance.Music has an instant impression on you.

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2006, 01:31:57 PM »
I love hip-hop; I love r&b; I love jazz; I love blues; I love classical music. I love Jesus. In the in everybody will answer to God! It's the truth.
Just believe...

Offline Joshorgan

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Re: Secular music; can anyone disagree? (poll)
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2006, 01:35:52 PM »
That was my last post on this topic

I did learn some new aspects concerning this topic today though

Scales 27 thanks for starting it. :)

It is good for Christians to debate like you said

It helps us consider what aspects of our lives we can change or make better

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