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Author Topic: Donated Keyboards  (Read 501 times)


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Donated Keyboards
« on: May 23, 2005, 02:40:08 PM »

I am a up and coming young musician who loves God and writes music for him for his glory. I think one of the main hinderances from me really coming forth is that I do not have a keyboard to practice on and worship on. When going out and such I feel bad when people ask me to play songs and I don't know them because I have nothing to practice on.  In going forth especally as a musician, practing and worshiping and living out your music is a must. That is why I am such a need for one.  If you have a keyboard that you are not using or if you feel led to get a new one that you would like to donate, if would be a absout blessing from God!     I am currently a college student and if you been to college, you know how hard money to come by. If you feel led to....I would really appreciate if you e-mail me at


Thanks for all your help and God bless
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